Information Research FAQ v.4.7 (Part 3/6)
(too old to reply)
David Novak
2010-10-15 04:22:54 UTC
Archive-name: internet/info-research-faq/part3
Posting-Frequency: monthly
Last-modified: April 2002
URL: http://spireproject.com
Copyright: (c) 2001 David Novak
Maintainer: David Novak <***@spireproject.com>

Information Research FAQ (Part 3/6)

100 pages of search techniques, tactics and theory
by David Novak of the Spire Project (SpireProject.com)

Welcome. This FAQ addresses information literacy; the skills, tools and
theory of information research. Particular attention is paid to the
role of the internet as both a reservoir and gateway to information

The FAQ is written like a book, with a narrative and pictures. You have
found your way to part three, so do backtrack to the beginning. If you
are lost, this FAQ always resides as text at
http://spireproject.com/faq.txt and http://spireproject.co.uk/faq.txt
and with pictures at http://spireproject.com/faq.htm

This FAQ is an element of the Spire Project http://spireproject.com,
the primary free reference for information research and an important
resource for search assistance.

*** The Spire Project also includes a 3 hour public seminar titled
*** Exceptional Internet Research. This is a fast paced seminar
*** supported with a great deal of webbing, reaching to skills and
*** research concepts beyond the ground covered on our website and
*** this FAQ. http://spireproject.com/seminar.htm has a synopsis.
*** I am in Europe, seminaring in Ireland and Europe though I
*** will be returning to the US shortly, and South Australia for
*** a seminar this October.

David Novak - ***@spireproject.com
The Spire Project : SpireProject.com and SpireProject.co.uk

NOTE FOR RETURN READERS: previously, we prepared this section by
converting work originally prepared in html. This became unproductive
so we have limited the internet links in this FAQ and direct you to the
more lengthy articles prepared in html. All the required links and
search tool forms reside in other parts of the Spire Project, like the
websites and free shareware

Information Venues
Section 5

At the successful completion of his work in Nubia, Shakh was invited to
travel to Babylon as the assistant to the new ambassador. It had been
many years since Egyptians were in official contact with the residents
of the two rivers. All trade had been conducted through the Phoenicians
living along the Mediterranean coast. With these cities captured by the
Assyrians, new trade links were needed.

The journey took much longer than Shakh had expected. Leaving Egypt in
a simple boat, it took many months to reach the shores of Lebanon,
where the tall cedar trees grew. These trees, essential to crafting
fine sea-worthy ships, was just one of the items sought by the

Within two weeks of their arrival in the Assyrian capitol Nineveh, the
Ambassador fell ill and died. Without guidance, 18 months journey from
Egypt, Shakh stepped into the position.

His first task was to gather information both of the officials best to
approach, and of Egyptian goods most likely to interest the Assyrians.
With few local contacts, Shakh set about building connections with
other governments, dining with export officials, collecting information
about how other governments had succeeded and failed in their trade
requests with the Assyrians. Shakh knew success would depend on
approaching the most practical of officials while delicately
side-stepping the wishes of the officials who threatened, or felt
threatened, by Egypt.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - -

While it may be practical to divide all information into a collection
of formats, information is also organized by others for our benefit.
Libraries, commercial databases, journals, information archives, each
of these venues will assist you to find particular information. The
information is already gathered together, classified and organized for
your benefit. As a skilled researcher, you must be proficient in
finding information from these resources.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - -

United Nations Information
links and more at http://spireproject.com/un.htm

"The United Nations is involved in every aspect of international life -
from peace-keeping to the environment, from children's rights to air
safety. ... The UN system generates an enormous amount of information
on some of the most pressing issues the world faces ... press releases,
video and photographic footage, publications, briefing papers, etc."
Samir Sanbar, A Guide to Information at the United Nations.

United Nations documents are a recognized authority for any number of
international issues: social, legal and political. You certainly will
not be chastised for quoting United Nations statistics. Critical to
research, the UN is a collection of almost autonomous organizations
(called organs) with occasionally overlapping responsibilities,
distinct websites, and recorded as distinct publishers. As you approach
UN information, remember this is not a monolithic organization with
clearly defined roles. All drug efforts are not coordinated by the
UNDCP and all statistical work is not undertaken by the UN Statistical

UN Internet Resources
The UN website at www.un.org is just one entry point to UN information.
Of note, it contains a searchable archive of UN press releases
stretching back to 1995, 7 days of press briefings, an archive section
and information about UN publications. The real tool to use is UNIONS
(http://www3.itu.int/unions/search.cgi), a meta-search engine for many
of the larger UN organ websites.

UN Library Resources
The UN is an accomplished publisher, through their sales lists is not
particularly large. It is just that anything they do publish is of a
very high standard. Many documents are generated by the numerous
meetings and efforts, so there is a second style of publishing, called
Masthead or UNDoc documents, that are usually just photocopies. UNDoc
are found in a collection of UN depository libraries around the world.
(There is a good list at http://www.un.org/MoreInfo/Deplib/). Thus we
have the UNDoc primary source documents and UN Sales Documents, given a
sales document number and sold and shelved in libraries as books.

S/1997/742/Add.1, Report of the Secretary-General on the situation
concerning Western Sahara: a brief breakdown of the estimated costs for
completing the voter identification process in Western Sahara.

Other documents have wider appeal...

E.96.I.5, The United Nations and the International Tribunals for the
former Yugoslavia and Rwanda - UN Blue Book Series

S/1997/742/Add.1, Abortion Policies: A Global Review, Population
studies No. 129: A three volume, 650 page country-by-country look at

You can use the US Library of Congress Online Catalogue for a good
approximate search of UN Sales documents. A search of UNDoc documents
requires one of three comprehensive databases, like UN-Bis Plus, though
you can also get the numbers to specific documents through UN
periodicals like the Yearbook of the United Nations and the United
Nations Chronicle.

With 300+ shelves of UN documents at depository libraries, the UNDoc
files are excellent records to history. The UNDoc Current Index (ceased
publication in 1996) is an extensive quarterly directory (of the
non-cumulative kind) just for this purpose.

Further tools are available to help the dedicated searcher, like
focused indexes and an annual list of current sales documents (also

Trouble with Age
United Nations publications do suffer time lags. The best documents
appear well after the curve of public interest. Primary UNDOC documents
will take up to 6 months before becoming available at a UN depository
library and the Sales Documents are compiled after this. On the
positive side, UN archives frequently extend back to the 1950s.

Information Theory
The UN has existed since the 1950s. The systems established to manage
and distribute access to UN publications is at once both highly
sophisticated and out-of-date. It is truly amazing to see 300 shelves
of UN documents (a very big room mainly filled with stapled

At the same time, it is only a matter of time before the whole concept
of UN depository library is translated online. There is such potential
savings (there are 359 depository libraries in the world but the UN
pays for one in each country) and such an improvement in access.

All the links and a few of the forms for searching UN information
reside at http://spireproject.com/un.htm

Government Information
links and more at http://spireproject.com/gov.htm

We pay a high price in both direct and indirect taxes for our
government. These are intelligent people, paid to be informed.
Government experts and documents are thus generally detailed, factual
and reliable ... and helpful. It should not surprise you that
government documents have a high quality, tend to have a little problem
with time.

Central to finding government information on the web is the way the
clear organizational structure is replicated online. Each country will
have a primary website with links to the websites of each national
government department. Each state will have a primary website with
links to the websites of each state government department. Each
department website will link to all sub-departments. If you wanted to
see the website for the New Zealand statistical agency, just visit the
New Zealand government website, then look for the statistical agency.
If you wanted to see the website for the Mississippi government agency
responsible for childcare, just visit the US government website, find
Mississippi, then look for an agency that might be responsible for the
family, then keep clicking till you find the page you need.

With a little more maturity, many corporate website were redesigned to
present answers as they are needed by the visitors - instead of having
marketing, accounting and distribution directories, websites were
rearranged to have sections for customer sales, investor relations and
distributor relations. Government website have begun the transformation
too, with websites serving the perceived needs of visitors. Clever
sites will present both structures but some will have an alternative
structure linking you through to the agency website.

* There are two fine internet directories of international government
websites, one by the University of Michigan Documents Center, another
by the University of Southern California.

* There is a specialized, government-only webpage search engine called
GovBot as developed by The Center for Intelligent Information Retrieval
(CIIR). Altavista and All-the-Web also let you restrict a large global
search to a specific domain. This allows you to search just for .gov

* Government Publications are effectively organized in a national
publication database. The US MOCAT database (Monthly Catalog of US
Government Publications), the Australian AGIP (Australian Government
Index of Publications (AGIP) and the United Kingdom Stationery Office
publications list are all free online.

For information not available, many nations permit Freedom of
Information (FOI) requests. This essentially forces government agencies
to release information they can not justify keeping secret. FOI
requests may cost you a token fee (and is often less for members of the
media). The Electronic Frontiers Foundation (EFF) maintains a good FOI
archive (http://www.eff.org/Activism/FOIA/), as does the Society of
Professional Journalists (http://spj.org/foia/index.htm).

Commercial Databases
links and more at http://spireproject.com/database.htm

Commercial databases are simply collections of information presented
electronically. Databases range in size from simple books made
searchable, to several billion records in the larger news databases.
The retail database industry is obscure. Costs are highly variable and
difficult to determine in advance. Products with the same name may
contain different information. Databases are frequently combined into
larger collections of databases, (also called databases,) often several
times, so an individual magazine or database may exist within several
databases and several collections.

Within this confusion are a collection of definitive, must-search
databases. Definitive databases are determined by successful marketing.
Not necessarily the 'best', nor most useful, but the market-successful
become definitive resources. From there, success breeds further value.
Such databases will be invaluable in your search for answers. More
discussion on the database industry can be found in section 9 of this

Free Databases
At the edge of the database industry are a number of prominent
databases that have emerged as free databases, delivered over the
internet directly from their source. Look briefly at some of these

* ERIC, (Education Resources Information Center) is presented by the
[US] National Library of Education. Established in 1966, ERIC is one of
the cornerstone databases for the education field and provides
citations & abstracts to education-related literature.

* CRIS, (Current Research Information System) is produced by the US
Dept of Agriculture (USDA) and includes Canadian, USDA, and Czech
agriculture, food and forestry research. Projects sponsored by these or
affiliated agencies are included

* Agricola is produced by the [US] National Agricultural Library and
its cooperators. This is an important bibliographic database covering
agriculture and all the related disciplines (including forestry &
agri-business & alternative agriculture). Started in 1970, this has
become an important database limited only by its bibliographic nature.

* Thomas, presented by the [US] Library of Congress, delivers US
legislative information (including Congress, Representatives, Senate &
the many committee reports).

* EDGAR, produced by the (US) Securities and Exchange Commission,
delivers all public US company submissions as required by law. The
information is factual and numerical - and includes both current and
past submissions.

* MOCAT, UKOP and AGIP are the US, UK and Australian government
publication databases

* The Library of Congress, The British Library, and The National
Library of Australia card catalogues can be searched online.

* Medline is produced by the [US] National Library of Medicine and
delivers references to all areas of medicine (including nursing,
dentistry, nutrition), with some abstracts.

* The United States Department of Energy (DOE) publishes The DOE
Information Bridge, a database with full-text and bibliographic records
of DOE-sponsored research and development. Covers research projects in
energy sciences and technology.

* BIOGRAPHY(r) Online is published at www.biography.com and includes
15000+ biographical abstracts - but most are really really short.

For more free bibliographic databases, I strongly suggest you read
Bases de données gratuites (http://urfist.univ-lyon1.fr/gratuits.html)
by Jean-Pierre Lardy. This directory has over 200 entries! Use the
Altavista Babelfish to have a look at it.

All Databases
Gale Research produces the Gale Directory of Databases (in 2 volumes).
This is the definitive listing of databases in the world, for the
moment. Most large libraries will have a copy. New editions are
released every 6 months.

There are also smaller, more focused directories like Fulltext Sources
Online published by Information Today or The Directory of Australian
and New Zealand Databases by the Australian Database Development
Association (ADDA).

Database Industry
You will access commercial databases through one of five basic sources.

1_ From a Commercial Database Retailer,
2_ From alternatively funded (free) internet sources,
3_ Through a Library or other venue with a site license,
4_ With the help of an Information Professional (searching for you),
5_ Directly from the source with a personal subscription.

Consider the Commercial Database Retailer as the department store of
the information market. The industry is dominated by a handful of
dedicated retailers like The Dialog Corporation, Lexis-Nexis, and
InfoMart. Other retailers focus on certain types of databases.

Retailers select the databases they carry, and enjoy mark-ups in the
region of 300% to 400% from which they provide customer service,
support and promotion. So very much service and promotion is provided
that these retail giants hold a pivotal role in the distribution of
commercial databases.

The most important selection tool for databases is the database
description. These are factual, accurate descriptions of what each
database includes and how they can be searched.

Many of the database descriptions are online. To facilitate finding
these, we have added links here and in other articles. Further
descriptions may be available from retailer websites.

A list of database retailers follow.

* The Dialog Corporation (http://www.dialog.com), a merger of Dialog,
Datastar and M.A.I.D. The largest database retailer by far, the
databases are general.
* Lexis-Nexis especially carries full text and legal research
* Questel/Orbit specializes in patent and technical science databases
* EINS (European Information Network Services) appears offer discount
access to technical databases.
* Infomart Dialog (Canada) has Canadian coverage with many of the
Dialog databases.
* FT Profile is the information wing of Financial Times (UK).

There are further database retailers specifically focused on the
library market like OCLC's FirstSearch. Further databases are focused
on business needs, like DowJones and Dun & Bradstreet.

In addition, there are always the individual databases which undertake
the difficult task of retailing by themselves.

Databases are complex structures based on the inverted index and on a
range of search technologies including Boolean terms, truncation,
complex limits, descriptors, filters, ranking and more. Certainly the
technology is becoming easier to use (look at the Reuters Business
Briefing for state of the art), but there is still much to learn. An
experienced searcher will locate far better results than a novice.
However, an uninvolved searcher has a handicap, both in price and
language. Sometimes it is wise to get help searching a database,
sometimes it is not.

The commercial database industry is shifting to use the internet as the
preferred delivery vehicle. Considerable changes are coming too - not
the least a tumble in the price of information.

Another change is a move towards full text databases. Some databases
include only bibliographic information, many provide abstracts, but
only a small fraction include full text. This will frustrate you deeply
as full text databases are so very very convenient.

Researching databases is incredibly difficult and cumbersome. They
challenge the mind, stretch far beyond the simple skills of searching
the internet, and since every minute is expensive, there is much added

But this is a skill like any other. Practice with the databases of your
local research university at an off-peak time (mornings are good) and
using the CD-ROM versions - learn on something free and not 2$ a

A database is a collection of anything - meaning a database blissfully
passes on the chaos for us to deal with rather than presenting a more
logical/understandable front like the web (humour intended). This
character has also blurred the contours of a database. Most small
databases are merely digested versions of small books and directories,
often made available to you at 50 cents a page. Of course, large
databases are just hard to conceive, let alone describe.
Word-searchable libraries? World knowledge snapshots? Commercial
information marketing firms go further and group similar databases
together into massive multi-database topic searches with phenomenal

A Myriad of Databases
A primary difficulty comes from the sheer number of databases in
existence today. To get a feel for the size of this industry, stop by a
large library and ask for the Gale Directory of Databases Volume 1: the
partially definitive listing of global databases. The absolute number
will astound you. This also explains why some of us are so excited
about internet development. Just making the existing databases more
easily available will transform our society. The Information age is
just starting.

Database Quality
All research is guided by the resources at hand. Most amateur
researchers suffer because they have very few resources at hand (or
think they do). Research is also guided by the budget, the time and
perhaps the skill. When selecting research databases, try to be aware
of three further factors:

Research here is easiest on Australian, British and American resources.
This may be unfortunate or of little consequence, but does bear
consideration. Many large databases are also large only because of
their range of information. Which is better, searching 6000 magazines
or 600 business magazines. Depends on the research topic.

There are many databases which can claim definitive coverage but there
are many more which should be kept in reserve. Just like the internet,
a researcher is not expected to look at everything relevant, just
enough to get to the solution.

Global Textline was a database of phenomenal size, indexing text from
over a hundred newspapers globally, reaching back many years.
Australian Education Index (AEI) includes the contents of a small book
of Education related theses abstracts. Each topic may only include 10
relevant theses over 5 years. Size is a thus linked to database value.
Searching Global Textline will always turn up leads. AEI will not.

Selecting a Database
Despite the factual nature of information research, word of mouth
appears to be tremendously important in choosing databases. Some guides
do describe the quality of various databases, and make valuable
suggestions, but such guides also age rapidly as new products emerge. A
rough understanding may emerge with practice. Our advice appears in
other articles.

Discussion Groups
links and more at http://spireproject.com/discuss.htm

Mailing Lists, Newsgroups, Associations - each are focal points of
discussion, exchange of information and professional development.
Sometimes called Special Interest Groups (SIGs), these are the original
sources of many fine research resources. Brilliant research sites in
their own right, a mailing list, newsgroup or association can also be a
fine contact point for experts, or the site of focused, specialized

The copyright mailing list is a group of more than 100 lawyers who
focus on copyright. This list, and their Copyright FAQ, are the best
resources on copyright law in the world; current, factual, and
peer-reviewed. This is not unusual for a mailing list. As a source of
experts, I once found an accomplished but poorly published scientist
from an old message in a mailing list archive.

Having said this, discussion groups are not organized for casual
searching. Even when discussion is archived and searchable, finding and
searching past discussion tends to be difficult. There is more to this
resource than just asking a question but the other options are not

Mailing Lists
* Tile.Net/Lists (http://tile.net/lists/) has a fine index of mailing
* Liszt is the second place to look.
* The Directory of Scholarly and Professional E-Conferences, known also
as the Kovacs Lists is third.
* subject guides listed in the Argus Clearinghouse also refer to
relevant mailing lists.

Search several list directories for more rewarding results. Also keep
in mind some lists have too little or too much traffic for your
purpose. Find a list with a manageable number of messages and a wide
enough membership. This takes a little effort in interrogating the list
management software for the number of forum members, a look at past
discussion, perhaps a look for supporting websites.

If you have a newsgroup reader, you have a file called news.rc on your
computer which lists all the available on your computer. List.com also
has a searchable list of newsgroups. Duke University can help you find
additional newsgroups that exist but require you to ask your ISP to
bring in.

A more effective approach is to undertake a search of past newsgroup
posts and select from the response a list of likely newsgroups to
consider. Altavista allows searches of recent newsgroup messages.
Deja.com has an even larger archive (to before March '95).

Another option is to search for an FAQ (like this one). Most summarize
past discussion on successful newsgroups. The FAQ may be a brilliant
informative document in itself, or the definitive pointer to further
tools and resources. By virtue of its public origin, FAQs are far more
likely to attract the peer review often very lacking from other
resources. They are also open invitations to communicate with the
knowledgeable FAQ maintainers.

* FAQs can be searched by title by sites like Oxford University and
Universiteit Utrecht (Netherlands), or if you know a newsgroup, visit
an html FAQ archive like the one at http://www.faqs.org

Associations are more involved than their internet companion.
Associations are also more into paper publishing, conferencing and
collating specialist statistics. As an example, the Australian
Booksellers Association publishes the best benchmark statistics on this
topic. When approaching an association, consider asking for their
publications list.

Directory of Associations are national directories. The [US]
Encyclopedia of Associations is produced by Gale Research. The
Directory of Australian Associations is the definitive Australian
source. Directory of Associations in Canada. Directory of Association
of Asia.

Some association directories have emerged online, like Directory of the
American Society of Association Executives. Unfortunately, the database
is small & Americanocentric. A search for 'book' did get me the address
of the American Booksellers Association, but not others. Of course if
you have a name, you could also use a meta-search engine like
Debriefing. Alternatively, the Library of Congress Online Catalogue
allows us to search for association as an author.

There are three important research applications for mailing lists.1)
Research through past discussion, 2) Directly ask members for
assistance, 3) Become a participative member to pick up and exchange
information. On a personal side, mailing lists are easy to use and a
minimal investment in time (the information comes to you). However,
mailing lists are difficult to develop and maintain. Few reach the
potential brilliance of this form of communication, so many of the
forums you come across will be non-existent or on their death-bed.

Mailing lists depend on four vital ingredients - Content,
Participation, IT-support, and Management. Often, one of these go wrong
and the forum dies. As a member, there are important obligations
starting with participation, and ending with forum etiquette.

The better forums are private. Membership is not automatic, the list
manager has more control, and often, more control and effort is
expended developing interesting content and discussion. If you find a
closed or private forum, persevere.

When a group of like-minded individuals come together to achieve an
aim, they often create an association. What better place to research.
Even better, associations often interpret their purpose as a place to
pool and distribute information. Larger associations often maintain a
small library of their own and many associations publish documents
about their area of interest. Furthermore, if you are seeking an expert
in a given field, associations are sure to have one, or two, or many.
For the smaller associations, be polite but firm in describing your
interest and be ready to buy whatever small book they do publish in
your quest for further information.

An FAQ is created to enhance the discussion of a newsgroup. After a
time, the initial members of a newsgroup would have discussed many of
the standard topics to death, which newcomers will still find
interesting. To prevent only discussing introductory topics (and
annoying long-term members) an FAQ is created to record answers to
standard questions.

Because one of the primary functions of a special interest group is
resource discovery - and because FAQs are collectively created, they
are valuable and generally reliable. I consider the Official Copyright
FAQ the best document in the world on copyright law.

As an aside, many FAQs are also available as web pages. Trouble is,
without an system to vet true newsgroup FAQs, you are far more likely
to encounter FAQs which have not been vetted by the news.answers team.
The Official Copyright FAQ is 70+ pages of topical and factual detail
with links to further information. There are several other copyright
FAQs with less than 10 pages, (and not particularly concerned with
providing information). Access an established FAQ archive for your
FAQs. www.faqs.org has a small list (http://www.faqs.org/#FAQHTML).
Another longer list resides midway down this document

Special interest groups are problematic because the task of preparing
and presenting guidance is secondary to their main aims. Those that do
actively publish do so through books (with the association as the
author) or articles or newsprint... Sometimes, as in mailing lists,
almost as an afterthought, past discussion is indexed and searchable.

This situation is not likely to change. Technology could potentially
aggregate past discussion from many mailing lists, but too much
commercialism would swiftly kill open discussion. Then again, existing
efforts like the archive of the business librarians list have taken a
very proprietary view of messages within their discussion. Notice also
that a database of newsletters failed commercially a few years back for
lack of interest. No dramatic improvements are likely to emerge from
this direction.

The Library
links and more at http://spireproject.com/library.htm

Libraries are integral parts to the research process if for no other
reason than public funds are used to buy the expensive research tools
you will occasionally use. More and more libraries are extending their
reference collections to include CD-ROMs and computer resources.

Specialty libraries are special. Focus allows for far greater expertise
and innovative research resources. Specialty libraries are prime
research venues, and specialty librarians are considerable reservoirs
of research expertise. All government agencies, and many large
corporations & wealthy associations, have specialty libraries. While
many may not invite public access, almost all are universally open to

* Very large libraries, by virtue of their sheer size, become important
research resources. This would include the US Library of Congress, the
British Library, the [UK] COPAC unified library catalogue, the National
Library of Australia, and the National Library of Canada.

* To find a specific library websites, visit either Libweb
(http://sunsite.Berkeley.edu/Libweb/ ) or Libdex
(http://www.libdex.com) or a few other link sites.

* A directory of specialist libraries will direct you to the highly
focused libraries found within corporate, association or government
organizations. An Australian directory exists online. The Directory of
Special Libraries in Australia by ALIA is the definitive source.
American Library Directory is a commercial database and probably a
print directory too.

Note: All these libraries will probably let you access information - if
you come asking kindly with specific information in mind. Always ask
how you would gain access, and assume access is possible (though not

There are also a collection of mixed information directories which are
research-worthy. Croner's A-Z of [UK] Business Information Sources and
the Aslib Directory of Information Sources in the United Kingdom are
prominent examples. These directories appear to be less than definitive
but the ASLIB Directory (the larger of the two at 1500+ pages) is
certainly something to behold. Aslib, under the subject "Egypt" lists
the British Museum, the Egypt Exploration Society, the Tutankhamun
Exhibition, and the York College of Further & Higher Education - all
with really good contact details.

Zines, Magazines & Journals
links and more at http://spireproject.com/period.htm

Zines, Magazines, Journals and Newsletters; each incorporate the
valuable services of quality control, editorial input, and focus.
Newsprint, though similar in concept, is best dealt with separately.

The trouble with using periodicals in research is their unfocussed view
of the world. Reading through a topical periodical is such a passive
approach to finding information. The information is likely to be
interesting, but hardly likely to answer your questions. At best, you
are 'keeping up-to-date' in your field.

The solution to this is the database search of either full-text or
bibliographic/abstract information from a great many periodicals.

Before we reach for the database search, let us run through the ways to
find periodicals.

* Zines are listed in three primary online directories: John Labovitz's
E-Zine-list, the NewJour mailing list, the ARL Directory of Electronic
Journals, and by browsing some of the university zine collections.

* Print periodicals are listed in three primary directories: Ulrich's
International Periodical Directory, EBSCO's Serial Directory, and
Newsletters in Print, and by browsing the periodical collections of
primary libraries like the Library of Congress.

* A few further online lists of periodicals exist like one for US
magazines and another for Australian Magazines.

Since periodicals are a passive form of research, a search for
promising periodicals is not the usual way of doing a search.
Organizations will often subscribe to promising periodicals then
circulate them among interested parties, facilitating the passive
collection of information.

The directories above represent one way to find promising periodicals.
A better way is to search the databases for promising articles, then
paying attention to promising periodicals which appear frequently.
This document continues as Part 4/6
Copyright (c) 1998-2001 by David Novak, all rights reserved. This FAQ
may be posted to any USENET newsgroup, on-line service, website, or BBS
as long as it is posted unaltered in its entirety including this
copyright statement. This FAQ may not be included in commercial
collections or compilations without express permission from the author.
Please send permission requests to ***@spireproject.com
David Novak
2010-10-15 04:22:53 UTC
Archive-name: internet/info-research-faq/part2
Posting-Frequency: monthly
Last-modified: April 2002
URL: http://spireproject.com
Copyright: (c) 2001 David Novak
Maintainer: David Novak <***@spireproject.com>

Information Research FAQ (Part 2/6)

100 pages of search techniques, tactics and theory
by David Novak of the Spire Project (SpireProject.com)

Welcome. This FAQ addresses information literacy; the skills, tools and
theory of information research. Particular attention is paid to the
role of the internet as both a reservoir and gateway to information

The FAQ is written like a book, with a narrative and pictures. You have
found your way to part two, so do backtrack to the beginning. If you
are lost, this FAQ always resides as text at
http://spireproject.com/faq.txt and with pictures at

This FAQ is an element of the Spire Project http://spireproject.com,
the primary free reference for information research and an important
resource for search assistance.

*** The Spire Project also includes a 3 hour public seminar titled
*** Exceptional Internet Research. This is a fast paced seminar
*** supported with a great deal of webbing, reaching to skills and
*** research concepts beyond the ground covered on our website and
*** this FAQ. http://spireproject.com/seminar.htm has a synopsis.
*** I am in Europe, seminaring in Ireland and Europe though I
*** will be returning to the US shortly, and South Australia for
*** a seminar this October.

David Novak - ***@spireproject.com
The Spire Project : SpireProject.com and SpireProject.co.uk

NOTE FOR RETURN READERS: previously, we prepared this section by
converting work originally prepared in html. This became unproductive
so we have limited the internet links in this FAQ and direct you to the
more lengthy articles prepared in html. All the required links and
search tool forms reside in other parts of the Spire Project, like the
websites and free shareware

Searching Specific Formats.
Section 4
On the second year of his training, Shakh began to piece together the
many rules and guidelines to understanding hieroglyphs. He had thought
the lessons would end once he learned the glyphs but no, there were
long and convoluted rules governing the translation of sounds into
glyphs. Simple rules govern the placement of glyphs on the wall -
certain glyphs lose their meaning when placed apart.

Then, there was the art of writing. The glyphs had to be the right size
and shape. If you were about to finish the line, you could squish
certain glyphs just a little to make room for the next glyph. If you
did not plan well, you would leave the line hanging, a word unfinished,
a sentence incomplete.

Then Shakh started to learn hieratic - shorthand glyphs for less formal

It was all very complicated and cumbersome. Shakh did not like the
technical nature of writing. So much to learn and still so far from
writing clear, interesting results. His seasons in training went very
slowly. The Nile rose then fell then rose again.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - -

A great deal of dull information must be comprehended, absorbed,
internalized. Nothing spectacular. Nothing of particular interest. Just
a mass of rules and guidelines to help you move within the world of

On the third year of medical school the aspiring doctor begins to
memorize a vast linked-array of drugs, symptoms and afflictions. The
next three years are spent developing this mental array; refining,
building, adding experience, so that one day a doctor may look at a
symptom, think of possible afflictions or drug reactions, then
proscribe drugs or call for further tests. The whole process of
learning this array is intensely dull.

In the first part of this FAQ we explained in detail how an information
search involves first selecting a suitable format (book, webpage, news,
interview ...) then searching a few important tools that help us find
information in that format. The first format we will look at is the
humble book.

Links and forms at http://spireproject.com/books.htm
Shakh arrived in Edfu on a small boat in the company of his father. It
was a short walk from the dock to the Edfu temple complex. A fantastic
sight. A noble sight. The temple included a vast library of books and
manuscripts - a warehouse of knowledge about Egypt.

Not that there were many manuscripts in total. The time and expense it
took to create even a single copy made the library a prohibitive
expense open to only those in certain need. This was not a public
library, but an elitist library, open only to those who could justify
the gifts required to enter. There it was, open before them, long
shelves of scrolls arranged by rough topic. Amazing indeed. Shakh
shivered slightly in the cool air. This would be his life for the next
few years.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Books have such meaning to us as a society. We have a vibrant emotional
connection. Books exude a solid proof of value to a larger community.
They are important resources but the additional awe is amazing to
behold. Try ripping a chapter from a book you own in public. The stares
and discomfort is almost tangible. Some book-lovers get upset about
slight creases in books, treating books as if they were important
museum quality manuscripts - something to hold with awe and treat

Being a book writer is similarly impressive. It is a mark of an expert.
A knowledgeable expert. A knowledgeable expert we should listen too,
should pay money for the chance to listen to, should pay, listen and
carefully not crease their work.

This attitude is silly.

A book is a package of information, prepared along certain guidelines,
with a purpose. In research we look for books on a topic that may help
us answer a question. These books tend to be large, lengthy, detailed,
verbose, heavy. Books are not good at describing cutting edge
developments. They generally summarize popular consensus. They avoid
criticism. When searching, they can make horrible resources.

Books are also large and physical creations. They must be stored. They
stick around. They have a limited shelf life but libraries are forever
over-stocked with dated publications of limited use and value. They are
also long - troublesome things to read.

Books come in different flavors. There are the books by industry
insiders who tell the truth, rip the facade about a particular
industry. Such books make brilliant resources. There are also books by
journalists, prepared without insider knowledge, more of a novel of a
newsworthy situation. Such books tend to the verbose, circumstantial,
light on facts.

Certain questions simply beg to be answered by reading a book. Such
questions are usually general, introductory, timeless. For such
questions a stack of news articles would lack cohesion. A collection of
articles would be too precise, not give you the larger picture. Such
questions need the 100 pages of description, pictures and the
considered framework that books embody.

Finding a Book
As an information format, there are certain tools and resources you
need to be aware of to effectively search for books. Thankfully, many
of these tools have emerged on the internet. These include:

- A database of the free books on the internet from projects like the
Online Book Initiative and Project Gutenberg. Includes many
copyright-free classics (but not ebooks - a different concept).
- Three government publication databases for the US, UK and Australia.
The US and Australian databases are comprehensive. The UK database is
incomplete. The complete database is commercially available
- The book databases of large online bookstores is incomplete but
useful as a fast search of current books. Some include background
information. I use Barnes & Noble, Amazon, Borders and the UK Internet
Bookshop (of the WHSmith bookstore chain).
- The largest libraries of the world, like the US Library of Congress
and British Library hold more than 20 million publications stretching
back many years. The online book catalogues are not good for the latest
books, but are brilliant at earlier works.
- Local libraries and state libraries are noteworthy as finding a book
in their database also means you have found access to these books.
- The definitive resource is the collection of national Books-in-Print
databases like [US] Books in Print, Australian Books in Print, French
Books in Print... These databases are commercially available online, as
print directories (yuck) in libraries and often from publicly available
to search from good bookstores

Book Databases
Information about new books is organized in a collection of national
"Books in Print" databases. This information is publisher-verified,
includes forthcoming titles, and is naturally updated far faster than
the library and bookstore catalogues.

Books in Print, produced by Bowker, delivers publisher-verified
information on US books. British Books in Print is produced by Whitaker
& Sons, delivers publisher-verified information on UK books. Further
national book indexes include Australian Books in Print (Thorpe),
Canadian Books in Print (University of Toronto Press), Les Livres
Disponibles/French Books in Print (Electre), Italian Books in Print,
German Books in Print and others.

All these directories are available as print directories (not
particularly convenient), as a commercial database (through database
retailers), for subscription (bookstores frequently subscribe) or
through Global Books in Print (through not really global, is a group of
book databases).

With regards to the print versions, there may be recent editions in
your state library but don't bother. The directory is not user-friendly
as you must page through each month's subject categories. A more
convenient alternative access point is your favorite large bookstore.
For about Au$4500/year, many bookstores subscribe to Global Books in
Print on CD-ROMs, or a national 'books in print' database. There should
be no cost for searching, but ask for the date and the database name so
you have a clearer idea of what is being searched.

Further Book Resources
Book Reviews are a viable tool in a book search. The tools mentioned
above will give you very little information indeed - mainly title,
author, format and price. You will usually want more than this before
you buy a book.

Book reviews are published in a range of book-related journals and
newspapers. These are compiled into a commercial database of Book
Reviews, like the Book Review Digest by H.W.Wilson or Book Review Index
by Gale Research, or individual book reviews from the like of the New
York Review of Books (http://www.nybooks.com/nyrev/). A state library
may provide access to the Book Review Digest Database.

Online book reviews are further discussed in Locating Book Reviews
(http://www.lib.monash.edu.au/hss/guides/fsreview.htm) by Monash
University Library.

Barnes & Noble, and to a lesser degree Amazon, have additional
information in their book database. Since it is free, it makes for a
fine immediate alternative to searching book reviews.

Future developments in book-related discussion groups holds out more
promise in harnessing the opinions of a book-reading public. Quality
issues remain (and the anonymous musings listed in Amazon.com and
Barnes & Noble

There are also book finding services with specialty book databases -
like a database of second-hand books. Books on Demand is a directory of
out-of print books available for reprinting (and includes price and
order information.)

Obviously title searches are not effective tools to discover new books.
Not all books on Vincent Van Gogh include Vincent in the title. Subject
searches, work well only if you can grasp the indexing.

Apply these effective search techniques:
1) Browse the subject listing and select the subjects which interest
2) Read the subject listings off a book you know interests you - then
search for other books in those subjects.
3) Search for other publications from suggestive authors (especially
when the author is an association).

Library catalogues, like LOCIS can illustrate these techniques. Let's
say a title or subject search lands you with one of the books listed in
LOCIS. This catalogue lists the applicable subject titles. Looking at
books placed in the same subject category works well.

A word about Book Types. Just as internet information comes in
different qualities and formats, books also come in different styles
and flavours. Books written by industry insiders are characterized by
personal stories and expert wisdom from an author telling all the
secrets. These books are worth looking for, and the short bio may give
a clue. Books written by Journalists have a different flavour, slightly
more newsy with less factual than, let say, Government books (far more
factual than most), and frequently updated books (far more current than
most). Try to find the style of book suited to your needs.

Information Theory
The book industry has reached a kind of plateau where fairly definitive
databases exist for listing books. There are databases for government
books, out-of-print books, second-hand books, current books. The
internet has changed some elements of this mix, as business models try
to support moving existing databases to free access, and others use
this change to try to present more definitive databases. Book reviews
have never properly been used by the book industry, so the big change
appears to be a move from book titles (as in most book databases and
library catalogues) to rich information (like Barnes & Noble) which
includes reviews and readers comments.

The Article
links and more at http://spireproject.com/article.htm

Articles hold a definitive value, a statement of quality and currency.
Sometimes articles are long, unique and informative works. Sometimes
articles are short, simple, trite; a rehash of common knowledge. There
is a range of ways to access articles - though none are particularly
inexpensive. We also have difficulties paying copyright - so most paid
research assistance is restricted to certain, more expensive tools. In
all, articles are cumbersome, cumbersome and time-consuming to work
with. They can also be brilliantly rewarding.

There are three difficulties with article searches:
1_ Finding the articles which interest us.
2_ Getting our hands on a copy. (Many articles you locate may be
impractical to access in person while electronic access can be
3_ Copyright permission, (which can be potentially simple or
exceedingly expensive).

Of course, the main stay of article research is photocopying an article
directly from a journal. Find a library nearby which holds the journal
then read or photocopy it then and there. This process can be improved
by using the online library catalogues (to see if they hold the
journal) and by searching a database of library holdings (often
available for free by asking or calling a librarian at your state
library). As you could expect, some commercial businesses will
undertake this work on your behalf, for a fee.

The difficulty with this process, of course, is this does not help you
discover what articles will interest you - this only works if you have
a useful bibliography to work from.

In recent years, a concerted effort has been made to bring you full
text articles electronically. Commercial databases in general have
moved from being strictly bibliographic to many full text articles. A
system of full text articles on CD-ROM has a brilliant future. Up to
500 journals are updated frequently in this inexpensive format. (Most
Research Libraries have this station.)

Some of the commercial full text databases have emerged online too.
Northern Light presents this. Unfortunately, the better quality
articles are not included in these databases. It is not an absolute
rule but to date, many of these commercial databases are filled with
regional business papers, newspapers or similar middle to low quality

There is another system for accessing articles, which comes to us from
a very long time ago. Inter-library loans are a system worked out
between libraries so articles can be exchanged between libraries.
Naturally you need the assistance of a library - and a great deal of
patience. Such requests can take over a month to arrive.

Lastly, there is always the option of direct purchase of periodicals
from the publisher.

Commercial Services
Carl Uncover service (fatback articles).
CARL (http://www.carl.org) is one of the great library groups in North
America established a service to provide articles by post or fax. Carl
promises to fax articles provided you use their system to check one of
their many libraries has the required document.

Northern Light - online database of articles
Northern Light (http://www.nlsearch.com) is a search engine of both the
web and their own database of articles available for purchase. The
rates are cheaper than Carl (up to $4.00 per downloaded document) and
the articles are delivered over the internet (not faxed) but the range
is smaller.

Information Theory
Many of the databases will begin to offer their services either as a
pay-per-view, or through reasonable direct subscription methods on the
internet. This has been predicted for years but depends on the
emergence of a fine way to purchase cheap items on the internet:
digital money. No effective digital money has emerged yet, and most
databases will either wait, or try one of the existing incomplete
methods. Essentially, critical mass has not yet arrived, and it now
appears that the true fall in price of information is waiting on an
effective digital money. In preparation, magazines and newspapers are
purchasing all the rights possible - especially the electronic rights.
More appears on this topic later.

Links and forms at http://spireproject.com/webpage.htm

Webpages are often of unknown age, of only guessed at quality and
potentially the easiest information to retrieve. There are many points
of entry to web resources, but search tools differ. Try to match your
search tool to your question. To start, you will need to learn
something of the different tools - described below - and four basic
search techniques: Boolean, Proximity, Field Searches & Truncation.

Global Search Engines
Altavista (http://altavista.com) includes a very large, fast search
engine. It allows for Basic Boolean AND + NOT - OR | Proximity " " ~
(near - within 10 words of each other.) Several Fields: title:"Spire
Project" domain:gov url:edu link:cn.net.au and Truncation/Wildcard (*)
Of import, Capitals matter with Altavista.

All-the-Web (http://www.alltheweb.com) is important because it is large
- really large - with a flexible search facility. Allows Partial
Boolean + - Simple Proximity " " and Several Fields a title field
search normal.title:spire url field url.all:.au link text and link url
fields normal.atext:spire link.all:cn.net.au All-the-Web is not case
sensitive. The same database supporting All-the-Web supports Lycos.

Inktomi (via http://hotbot.lycos.com) provides its substantial web
directory through other companies, in this case, HotBot. also allows
searches by region, by date, and more.

Debriefing (http://www.debriefing.com) is our meta-search engine of
choice. Use this to find names & named websites. Accepts Partial
Boolean + - Simple Proximity " ". Capitals matter.

Google(http://www.google.com/) is a new style of search engine which
ranks sites with more care and concern. This works well for sites you
know a little about in advance. Unfortunately, has no useful field
searches. Allows Partial Boolean + - Simple Proximity " ".
Unfortunately, No Truncation not even for plurals!

When searching for a topic with precise descriptive terms, use a broad
search engines. Always place the Boolean +symbol before each search
word (like this: +word1 +word2) to insist all words appear in the
results. Quotes keep words together ("word1 word2"). These two simple
steps dramatically improve results. Keep adding words and search limits
until the number of hits is reasonable.

For more global search engines, there are numerous lists to consider
like the W3 Search Engines page at the University of Geneva
(http://cui.unige.ch/meta-index.html#INF) and the Industry Research
Desk (http://www.rbbi.com/links/sengine.htm).

Meta-Search Engines & Google
If you know something of the destination already, like a title or
company name or full name, try using a search tool that excels in
finding named websites. There should be little difficulty in finding
such sites with either Google or a Meta-Search engine, but don't get
excited and use these on other occasions.

Categorized Lists
When searching for information that lends itself to a particular
category or topic, start with resources which group information in
categories. With few exceptions, these resources index websites, not
webpages. Also, keep your search words simple as these are small

Yahoo (http://yahoo.com) is the largest of this type of directory tree;
the definitive site. Accepts Partial Boolean + - Simple Proximity " "
Truncation * and Several Field t: (for titles) u: (for urls) and a
date field through a form.

The Open Directory Project (http://dmoz.org) is a Netscape effort to,
presumably, mute the strength of Yahoo. It is very good, and very
similar to Yahoo.

Looksmart (http://www.looksmart.com) is another significant directory.

For an alternative, try the World Wide Web Virtual Library: Subject
Catalogue (http://vlib.org/Overview.html), a distributed network of
subject lists, not nearly as dominant as Yahoo, but far more
"scholarly" shall we say. This virtual directory has been around many
years, previously famous from www.w3.org.

Reviewed Sites
When seeking specific fields of study, when topics are clouded with
many similar, low quality sites, start with resources with a greater
degree of personal attention. Peer review and vetting produce resources
with more quality but limited coverage, better suited to this
situation. Also, keep your search words simple.

The Scout Report (http://wwwscout.cs.wisc.edu) is one of the oldest and
most highly regarded e-newsletters introducing new internet resources.
Residing at the University of Wisconsin, the Scout Report describes
research, education & topical sites. The Scout Report Signpost provides
a quick search of previously featured sites.

BUBL (http://www.bubl.ac.uk) is a British site which reviews internet
resources then indexes by Dewey decimal number. I prefer their Dewey
presentation but the collection is not large (though the largest of the
library projects I have seen).

The Argus Clearinghouse (http://www.clearinghouse.net) is a vast
collection of internet guidebooks. We can search the titles &
descriptions, but then click on the highlighted keywords to find
related guides. I suspect Argus is not successfully keeping pace with
internet development.

AlphaSearch (http://www.calvin.edu/library/searreso/internet/as/) is
similar to Argus. This one indexes important nexus sites and should be

The Britannica.com (as in Encyclopedia Britannica
http://www.britannica.com) has been remolded as a free guide to books,
periodicals, web and their encyclopedia. This encyclopedia is perhaps
the best.

FAQs can be searched from an FAQ database like the one at

WebRings list sites by topic. Each webring is maintained by a volunteer
at an uninvolved site using standard software. The primary sites are
currently Webring.com and bomis.com

Specialty Tools
For issues with a particular government, url or language origin,
consider using tools designed with this in mind.

* Altavista can be limited to specific domains (gov edu au) with their
"domain:domainname" field search. "url:url-segment" is also useful.
Read the Altavista Fancy Features for Typical Searches.

* GovBot (http://ciir2.cs.umass.edu/Govbot/) as developed by The Center
for Intelligent Information Retrieval (CIIR) is a search engine which
indexes exclusively a great number of government webpages, a unique

* Altavista also allows for a field search by language. Searching for a
Japanese site? Consider searching only webpages in Japanese.

* Purely regional search engines may also be the answer. Aussie.com.au,
for example, is a search engine indexing only Australian websites.
There are fine lists of regional search engines and directories like
SearchEngineCollossus, Search Engines WorldWide, SearchEngineWatch and

* Topic-specific search engines, a new arrival, has a very promising
future. Ideally you will find a search engine like ChemGuide
(http://www.fiz-chemie.de/en/datenbanken/chemguide/)covering over a
million chemistry related pages. Search Engine Guide
(http://searchengineguide.com) and Gary Price's Direct Search.
(gwis2.circ.gwu.edu/~gprice/direct.htm) list topical search engines.

* Lastly, there are some commercial databases aimed at the software and
internet industries. Consider OCLC's NetFirst (articles from magazines
describing the internet).

For many of us, searching the web is simply typing words into a search
engine. I hope I have shown there is more to it than this. What may not
be clearly evident from a brief overview of resources is that each
resource has a particular difference, a particular focus, a particular
angle that helps us answer certain questions faster than other tools
and searches.

Yes, in the simple world of Yahoo and Altavista you pay no attention to
the specific differences between alternatives - you are left with the
worst of these two tools. Your results are general, timeless and

Contrary to myth, global search engines are not the best place to start
most of the time - just some of the time. On other occasions, start
with a directory, a meta-search engine, a guide, an FAQ... We should be
able to identify which tools excel at locating what kinds of webpages.
(There is no simple search of everything.)

There are more insights into effective internet research. Information
clumps; Information is not established in isolation but instead
develops in context, is reinforced, and becomes a trend. The publishing
motivation & promotion purpose can help us rapidly judge the content of
a website. The webpage address can tell us a great deal about both the
website structure and the type of publisher.

Once skilled, you can segment and search the most promising areas of
the web quickly and efficiently. If you do not quickly find your
answers there may be other, more appropriate resources. Consider asking
for help in an appropriate discussion group, or reviewing printed
literature instead. The Web is only one resource among many.

If your primary interest is Search Engines, consider reading A Higher
Signal - To - Noise Ratio
(http://www.dpi.state.wi.us/dpi/dlcl/lbstat/search1.html) by Bob Bocher
& Kay Ihlenfeldt, Sink or Swim: Internet Search Tools & Techniques
(http://www.lboro.ac.uk/info/training/finding/sink.htm) by Ross Tyner
and The Search is Over
(http://www.zdnet.com/pccomp/features/fea1096/sub2.html) by Adam Page.
For even more, read Searching the Internet
(http://wwwscout.cs.wisc.edu/toolkit/searching/) a publication in the
Scout Toolkit and browse Search Engine Watch.

Searching the web is more skill than most of us acknowledge. The web is
a manifestation of the demon professional researcher's work with all
the time in the commercial information market. There is constantly the
fear you have missed that single important site with everything.
Consider the researcher's motto:

Someone, somewhere, probably knows the answer.

But how long do we search for gems, and where do we look? To decide, we
must learn about internet structure and organization. Why is
information published on the web? Why is it promoted? Let's review the
reasoning behind effective internet research. There is so much more
than putting words into search engines.

#1 Motivation
We can make some very astute generalizations about a webpage very
quickly if we can judge the reason it was published. Not only is this
an important step in analyzing any information, but this tells us a
great deal about the contents of the webpage.

Yes, merely determining a site belongs to an association actually
specifies the quality, motivation and type of information we will find.

Associations either publish what is termed 'brochureware' (promotional
material), or if well advanced, present research work previously
restricted to the association library: important research studies & the
like. Commercial interests have much more difficulty delivering useful
resources. The importance of projecting a corporate image comes first
(lots of 'brochureware'), and service descriptions come second. On
occasion, commercial interests will support a worthwhile service tied
closely to their own service - thus banks present interest rates -
bookstores present their book database.

The certainty with which we can make these judgments will astound you.
Corporate websites never publish "changes to patent law". They simply
don't have the motivation. Only an individual would publish this, most
likely not on the web but though a mailing list.

Information is not distributed randomly. Consider Format, Preparation,
Motivation and Promotion. Consider this, then Visualize the information
you seek.

#2 Promotion
We can make further snap judgments about web information from the way
you get there. Promotion is very difficult on the web, and it is hard
to find poorly promoted information. The tools you use to reach
information pre-determines the type and quality of information you will

Search engines index webpages indiscriminately. Advertised websites
must have a pay-off. Directories focus on established websites (not
webpages). Link pages also link to established websites but put more
thought into the selection of resources. Both usually focus on general
sites. For specific or current resources, we need to move to mailing
lists or active nexus point.

Yes, when we find a webpage through the Scout Report (a prominent
resource discovery newsletter), we can assume the webpage has a high
quality of information, is reasonably current and has a general appeal
(within the interest of the newsletter readers).

Let's put this in reverse. If we are looking for a recent document by a
prominent library committee, we will not find it through Altavista,
Yahoo, or normal link pages (except accidentally). We may find it
through specialist newsletters, active nexus points, or through mailing

#3 Visualize
When an artist begins to paint, they visualize the image. They already
have a concept of the finished result. Internet research is no
different. We start by building a vision of the information we seek.
Who would publish it. What is their motivation? Who would promote it?
Where would I find it?

Information Clumps. Information is created, nurtured, develops, gets
transplanted, gets arranged and becomes visible through a process which
brings similar information together. Your understanding of this
process, including motivation and promotion, must guide your search of
the web. Only then will we know where to look, and quickly know if the
answers are on the web.

links and more at http://spireproject.com/newswire.htm
Shakh was invited to travel with the army on the conquest of Nubia. The
Egyptian army was not in need of further soldiers but there was a need
for a witness. Shakh would write the official chronicles of the army's
exploits. He would be expected to send a simple diary on papyrus back
to the palace and then to compose numerous descriptions for memorial
walls. He may also be consulted for paintings on the pharaohs tomb. It
was a fine offer, and he relished in the prospect of increasing his
value exposure.

The war was not swift, nor was it entirely one-sided. In the end,
superior numbers had its effect and Nubia was once again reunited with
Greater Egypt. Reporting was initially a challenge, since very little
happened from day to day. Slowly, Shakh got a handle on the process and
focussed on the grandness of the venture. Two years after floating up
stream, Shakh was able to do his finest work, the parade of captured
soldiers past the Pharaoh's representative.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - -

News articles are typically light and biased. Do not believe a news
item is a great critical analysis of current events. Most news is
produced under time restrictions, for prompt consumption. In research,
news often proves particularly useful for locating information about
individuals or businesses. News is also critical in creating a timeline
of events, in recording events of regional/national/international

News prepared by individual reporters is collected together by large
news organizations, then delivered to other news organizations around
the world. Your local news organization does not have a reporter in
Iran, but rather buys the story off a newswire, then packages it in
your evening news hour or morning newspaper.

You have probably heard of: United Press International (UPI), Reuters
Global News, Agence France Presse, Associated Press and Xinhua Chinese
Newswire. These very large organizations make their information
available to you in a variety of ways. News collects in commercial
databases of past news, some single source, others, large multi-source
databases. Current news is also packaged into large multi-source
systems delivered by email or newsgroups. Many newswires are available
online free of charge.

Free News
Critical to the changes on the internet is the emergence of free access
to text news. Individual newspapers present news free. Newswires
present news free. News sections to larger sites like Yahoo present
news from many sources, free. News-only search engines will help you
find information from a great many sites with news.

The process of finding current news is about as slick as imaginable.
Here are a few players in the market:

* Yahoo News (www.yahoo.com/headlines/) is leading this field with web
delivery of current news from Reuters, Associated Press, and others.
Yahoo also includes a free search for one week's news.

* Voice of America Newswire (VoA and now voanews.com) delivers news in
English & many other languages.

* The Washington Post (www.washingtonpost.com) offers their own current
news for searching, as well as the Associated Press wire, each searched
separately for the past week.

* Fox News (www.foxnews.com) presents current news online (both current
events and sport news). CNN news (www.cnn.com) is another searchable
site. Both repackage some newswires and present them online. C|news
(www.news.com) does this too.

* Newsbytes (www.newsbytes.com) is a newswire solely on computer
topics, computer, telecom and online world. InternetWire and other
specialty newswires also present news from their website.

* United Nations Radio: The World in Review is one of many news shows
with the transcripts online. Unusually, the Vatican's newswire is not
free online.

* Obviously many more exist - and thankfully we don't need to create a
list or manage the sources. The Spire Project has a clickable map of
English language newspapers. There are definitive lists of global
newspapers like Gary Price's
http://dailyearth.com and http://ipl.org/reading/news/

Commercial Resources
The commercial segment of the news market is obviously being squeezed
by the copious quantities of free news online. There are, however,
still some viable markets, principally enterprise solutions (companies
are willing to pay for slight improvements), past database access, and
surprisingly the Wall Street Journal (US$49/yr).

To these markets we have Clarinet and Newspage. World News Connection
is US Government service presenting translated news (quite a gem) as a
searchable database. Unusually, prices start at US$25/7days - yes one
price for the news!

Of course news alerts can be arranged from the commercial news
databases through the database retailers, and each newswire like Agence
France Newswire, Canada Newswire, Xinhua News and Associated Press all
are unique databases, and all stretch back many years. Further
databases like Newswire ASAP and what used to Global Textline are
massive databases of multiple newswires and newspapers. I recall at one
stage Textline had over 4 billion pages.

News articles are typically light and biased. The sheer quantity of
news in the large news databases make this a useful resource to fall
back for any tightly focused research topic. I once discovered an
obscure scientist working in a unique field from a small 3 paragraph
article in a local farmer's newspaper in England (Global Textline

Newswires and News Databases are just two elements of a large industry
which extends to the your local newspaper and to further specialty
databases. Most newspapers maintain their own local news database, and
some make this available electronically. A manual clipping services may
also be the option - certain firms manually page through local papers
looking for advertisements or articles.

While on the topic, certain newswires like Business Wire and PR
Newswire essentially distribute certain types of news for money. Yes,
anything in these newswires is there because the company paid for it to
be there - $500 and up most likely. Other newswires earn money in the
reverse process: from the media who read or publish their work.
Associated Press or Reuters are created from news organizations. Others
like Voice of America (VOA) are alternatively funded, but with
reasonable reliability.

There are also a range of focused newswires such as Newsbyte (computer
issues), PR Newswire (product releases), and Middle Eastern newswires.
Further newswires can be found at Yahoo.

I can think of four ways to use this information for research:

1) As an alternative to your evening news or morning newspaper. Online
news is available 24 hours a day, in more detail, from respected news

2) Search past news to locate information unlikely to emerge in
journals or magazines. News includes a great deal of local detail and
personal information unlikely to be found elsewhere.

3) As a historical record of events, perhaps the basis of a timeline.

4) Current Awareness and Alerts so articles come to you as they are
reported. News stories by email will become a large industry over the
next two years.

Information Theory
Just how inexpensive can news become? US$25 gets you access to past
translated news! VoaNews.com keeps a searchable directory back a month
for free. Many newspapers still have extensive archives of news, though
they hope to one-day charge for them. In a way, no-one is making money
from news. It is only worth the advertising revenue for distracting you
from reading the news - and that is falling too. With the freedom of
moving information through the internet, several free services will
send you email when an news article matches your interests (an Alert).

The future will see much more "compile your own" newspaper - especially
since it could conceivably be compiled at minimal to no expense
depending on the technology (frames anyone?) An intriguing lawsuit
recently stopped TotalNews (a news only search engine) from displaying
news articles in a frame.

If allowed to speculate for a moment, News-for-Pay may also become a
viable businesses. Perhaps this is just being cynical of journalistic
standards and the accepted standards of promotion. Perhaps it is also
recognition that Businesswire and PRWire are just two of several
newswires where you pay to have your news included. Obviously news
today is biased towards advertisers (through advertorials) and
promoters. Perhaps this will become automated some day - like Yahoo's
"we will look at your site right away for $200".

Naturally, the links and many of the forms to news resources discussed
here can be found at http://spireproject.com/newswire.htm and also our
All-in-one page: http://spireproject.com/spir.htm

Theses and Dissertations
links and more at http://spireproject.com/discuss.htm

Theses and dissertations are professional papers completed for higher
degrees. That is to say, they are long, dense and often very esoteric
and convoluted. Trouble is, most theses and dissertations have no more
than 12 copies ever - one always to the University Library, one with
the author, but others scatter to the wind.

All University Libraries hold a copy of past theses undertaken at their
university. This gives rise to the unfortunate but necessary pastime of
searching each local university library for relevant theses. The
advantage here is masters and occasionally honours theses are indexed.
Most often, just undertake a keyword search then add "thes*"
(truncation of theses or thesis).

Electronic Theses Databases:
Dissertation Abstracts Online, produced by UMI, delivers abstracts to
most every doctoral dissertation/thesis in North America, some master's
theses and some international theses. This is the definitive site to
search, though you will need the help of your library to see more than
the abstract. Some libraries will have subscribed to Dissertations
Abstracts OnDisc - the CD-version of this database.

The [British] Index to Theses with Abstracts is a print directory by
ASLIB. This publication is also available as a database, available for
site licenses through Theses.com (www.theses.com). This source is quite
comprehensive as can be seen with the University List.

Several other national databases do exist. Here in Australia, a list of
theses was maintained from 1966 to 1991. The Gale Directory of
Databases also lists THESA, a database of French theses, and
Dissertations and Theses of the ROC (Taiwan).

The Australian Education Index (1978+), produced by ACER (Australian
Council for Educational Research), is a directory listing citations and
some abstracts to Australian work in education. Also available as a
commercial database, AEI is bundled into Austrom, a common collection
of Australian databases.

Digital Archives of Theses
In theory, some theses should be available on the internet,
particularly theses lodged electronically. There is a push for
universities to accept electronic thesis submission, and to build
digital archives of theses. The embryonic National Digital Library of
Theses and Dissertations (NDTLD - www.theses.org) is just one such a
project. There is a distributed and sequential keyword search to
participating universities through its not particularly functional. In
theory, this is an incremental improvement to searching library

Getting a thesis can be very difficult. You will need the help of a
document delivery through a library and many theses will not be
available to borrow. You can also buy theses. Read Obtaining Copies of
Dissertations (http://www.library.yale.edu/ref/err/disscops.htm) by
Yale University Library for more. For an alternative look at theses,
consider Locating Theses
(http://www.lib.monash.edu.au/hss/guides/fstheses.htm) by the Monash
University Library.

A note on developments in this field: some Theses abstracts are
emerging online already. Projects like the LA Theses Database
(Landscape Architecture Theses Archive) have much promise but poor
coverage. Full text theses presentation also have promise with the US
Department of Education funding a National Digital Library of Theses
and Dissertations and Virginia Tech starting to request electronic
submission of all theses.

UMI (the producers of Dissertation Abstracts Online) has backed this
move with a direct delivery service of electronic theses to US
libraries for $26, but only theses held in their digital archives are
available. Eventually, large digital Theses archives will be the norm,
but until then, very little will happen in this field.

A thesis is a tightly constrained information package, produced in the
university environment with limited appeal. For economic reasons, we
should not be surprised theses databases are incomplete. The emergence
of theses archives sounds interesting - a good use of the internet -
but does not represent a financial opportunity that could be explored
without government assistance. Consequently, this small area of the
information sphere is government grant-driven.

links and more at http://spireproject.com/discuss.htm

A patent discloses certain facts about a commercially important
invention in exchange for certain rights to exploit the invention. This
is a little simplistic, but explains why patents are factual, unique
from other research resources, and a little vague in certain specifics.
If you have never seen a patent before, see a sample US patent ,
Australian patent, and this brief description

There are three primary resources involved in patent research. Firstly,
we have the free internet resources. Secondly, we have the national
patent agency resources. Thirdly, we have the commercial patent

Free Patent Databases
The concept of free patent databases has surely come, and while many
countries are only slowly moving this direction, the movement is

* The US Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) provides a US Patent
Bibliographic database at patents.uspto.gov with full use of fields,
date and abstract text searching. Choose between their Boolean search,
advanced (field) search or by US patent number. They also maintain a
fulltext [US] Aids Patent Database and other resources.

* The IBM's Patent Server is a public service providing a different
patent database of US Patent abstracts. The IBM service is similar but
different from the USPTO service - certainly not less powerful.

* The Canadian Intellectual Property Office (CIPO) maintains the
Canadian Patent Fulltext Database from '89. This database is on par
with the US Patent Database, with perhaps even better searching

* The Japanese Patent Office (www.jpo-miti.go.jp) has a searchable
database of Japanese patent abstracts, including patent number, title,
inventor, company, and abstract of the patent.

Patent Authority Services
Patent libraries are an important and cost-effective patent resource.

* IP Australia (www.ipaustralia.gov.au) (formerly the Australian
Industrial Property Organisation (AIPO)) has a patent library in each
Australian state capital. Each library provides free access to the APAS
database (Australian Patent Abstract Search) and includes a complete
microfiche copy of all Australian patents and the Australian Official
Journal of Patents, Trademarks & Designs (the official Australian
patent gazette).

Most offices also hold US Patents on microfiche! Staff will help you
use the APAS database, arranged for free text searching by
International Patent Classification. A particularly useful service by
IP Australia is the delivery of copies of many foreign patents for
AU$15. You will need the patent number, country and title for this.

* The US Patent and Trade Mark Organization (USPTO) has the Patent and
Trademark Depository Library Program (PTDL's) placing the CASSIS
database (The USPTO patent abstract database on CD-ROM) and US patents
around the US.

The US patent libraries also hold the Official Gazette of the U.S.
Patent and Trademark Office, The official US patent gazette.
Importantly, the gazette is fully online and searchable from 1995.

* The [UK] Patent Office (www.patent.gov.uk) provides for the Patents
Information Network (PIN) which hosts patent information in the UK. The
British Library is just one listed source of UK patents (further
information online) and delivers some patent services.

* The Canadian Intellectual Property Office (CIPO) (cipo.gc.ca)
produces the Canadian Patent Index (CPI). They also publish The Patent
Office Record, Canada's official patent gazette.

* There are many more national & international patent organizations
like Intitut National de la Propriete Industrielle [France], World
Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) and European Patent Office.
Thankfully there are fine lists of patent libraries and patent

Commercial Patent Services
One of the most invaluable resources in serious patent research is
access to several of the very large commercial patent databases.

* Lexis-Nexis (www.lexis-nexis.com) retails several patent databases.
Thanks to Patscan (University of British Columbia), we also a guide to
searching patents on Lexis-Nexis.

* The Dialog Corporation (www.dialog.com) retails a collection of
patent databases including: Derwent World Patents Index, Inpadoc,
Claims/U.S. Patents and European Patents FullText.

* CASSIS is the USPTO database. For a little more information on this,
consider the Patent Guide to Using CASSIS, at the University of

* Derwent Scientific and Patent Information (www.derwent.co.uk) is a
prominent publisher of Patent and scientific information including
commercial databases.

* Questel-Orbit (www.questel.orbit.com) also retails patent databases.

* CAS/STN (www.cas.org) retails a collection of patent databases
including Chemical Patents Plus for U.S. Chemical patents.

In addition to the database retailers and producers, there is a lively
industry of patent services.
* The Patent Libraries will assist you with some services. IP
Australia, for example, will retrieve most full patents from other
countries for AU$15.

Until recently, the legal profession has had a complete monopoly on
patent work. As you can see, this need no longer be the case. Casual
researchers will find the free patent databases easy to use, and more
experienced researchers should not be dissuaded from searching the
commercial databases or patent libraries themselves. The very large
commercial databases, like Inpadoc, are particularly easy to use.

Of course, there are occasions when patent searches are critical, and
experts should be sought. Certainly legal assistance is required if you
are preparing to lodge your own patent, but patent data as a source of
information is another matter.

As an industry, patent research is still deeply entrenched in the
high-price commercial database and database-centered services. I am
mildly surprised the emergence of free databases like the USPTO's
patent database has not led to a fall in the costs of the high-end
databases (which remain some of the most expensive databases in
publicly accessible). It appears this industry, as indeed several
others, has no intent to drop the price of retail database access to a
more supportable level. I can only predict this rests on economic
grounds. Patent information purchases are price insensitive.

links and more at http://spireproject.com/stats.htm

Statistics allow us to lie with confidence. Dense and factual,
carefully interpreted statistics are also far more reliable than
personal experience. The expense of collecting meaningful statistics
limits the types of organizations involved in this work. This divide is
also a very elegant way to divide this field.

#1 National Statistical Agencies,
#2 Government Agency Statistics,
#3 Commercial Statistics,
#4 Association Statistics.

Statistical Directories
Statistical Abstracts (statistical bibliographies and statistical
directories) describe sources of statistics.

Instat publishes "International Statistics Sources: subject guide to
Sources of International Comparative Statistics" but I found this less
than brilliant. A better link is Statistical Sources (by Gale
Research), a basic and very large statistical abstracts directory.

On the internet, US government statistics are well recorded in
Statistical Abstract of the United States 1999
(http://www.census.gov/stat_abstract) a 1000+ page document made
available online in pdf format by the US Census Bureau.

Statistical Venues
Many statistics appear regularly in journals, annual reports and
newspapers. Specialty libraries, particularly specialty librarians, may
be aware of additional statistics.

If an expert goes through the effort to collect statistics, you are far
more likely to locate them by undertaking an article search, (looking
particularly for journal articles) and a book search. In both cases,
limit your search to only the last couple of years or you will locate
very old, dated statistics. A particularly sophisticated approach could
be to ask BusLib-l (Business Librarians' Electronic Discussion List)
since this is a mailing list of librarians. Use this resource
sparingly, and only after having exhausted other avenues.

National Statistical Agencies
Most every country in the world has a single government agency
dedicated to collecting, collating and publishing national statistics.
Statistics Canada, Australian Bureau of Statistics, The US Census
Bureau, The (UK) Office for National Statistics; we have a fine page on
national statistical agencies (http://spireproject.com/bureau.htm).

These organizations manage the census, watch the movement of money and
goods in and out of the country, and undertake a wide range of other
surveys. Finding these statistics is relatively straight forward, with
several directories on the internet.

Government Agency Statistics
Most government agencies collect reams of data on the industries they
monitor. Sometimes these statistics are published, sometimes you have
to ask for them, only rarely are they considered private or

Here in Western Australia, the government departments for Tourism,
Labour, Small Business and Big Business all publish top-rate statistics
free to interested parties. Our Dept of Tourism keeps a directory of
future tourism related projects.

When government statistics are bound and published, try the government
book databases. Remember MOCAT, AGIP and part of UKOP are free online.
Again, some US government statistics are well recorded in Statistical
Abstract of the United States 1999 by the US Census Bureau, online in
pdf format.

Association Statistics
Valuable statistics only come from motivated sources, and associations
are certainly motivated. Start with a list of likely associations, then
call up and either explain you needs or ask for their price list for
publications and statistics. For AU$25, the Australian Booksellers
Association publishes a brilliant analysis of the book industry.
Association statistics are financially informative, as the intended
audience is association members.

Commercial Statistics
Statistics created for sale are frequent in the financial sector but
exist in a number of further situations. Banks use more professionally
prepared market reports such as reports by the Australian economic
consultancy firm Syntec Economic Services, Guide to Growth, which
examines Australian industries financially with forecasts. IBIS
(www.ibis.com), another economic consultancy, also publishes to this

Professionally prepared market reports are also emerging, with the full
text immediately from the commercial information market. Each database
retailer has several such databases, but often these databases are
focused globally or in a different country. Sheila Webber
(http://www.dis.strath.ac.uk/people/sheila) has a very good list of
firms which market research reports.

Central to the Internet Revolution is the liberation of just this kind
of information. Increasingly, we will see the publishing of such
documents on the internet, but for the few statistics currently online,
there is no effective search. You can only browse government websites.
Away from the internet, you must either contact the agencies directly
(in the hope they do collect statistics), look at the statistical
directories or seek agency statistics in other documents: books,
pamphlets, newsletters.

Once you have proceeded this far, it is wise to stop looking for
statistics, and begin again at sophisticated commentary - which is
likely to include supporting statistics or references to statistics
anyway. Seek expert guidance from others who would know of hard-to-find

One approach to finding statistics is to reverse the process. Who would
prepare the statistic? Statistics are created in a logical manner, in a
very expected manner. Tourism statistics? - most likely undertaken by
either the government tourism authority, a tourism association or the
national statistical agency. There are few others who could even
consider preparing tourism statistics. If you can think through the
preparation process, you can usually identify who would have created
the statistic. (Internet statistics are the exception - too many
organizations are creating statistics of worth.)

Let's move on to specific fields of statistics.

National Statistical Bureau
The Spire Project has a fine html article on the National Statistical
Agencies (http://spireproject.com/bureau.htm). Australia
(www.abs.gov.au), United Kingdom (www.ons.gov.uk), Canada
(www.statcan.ca) and United States (www.census.gov) all have national
statistical agencies. Each organization collects and publishes
statistics on many facets of their respective countries. This article
should simplify your work in searching, selecting and appraising these

Each statistical agency organizes their statistics in a distinct way.
The Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) has an annual Catalogue of
Publications but also a search function, specialized statistical
category guides and several periodicals on new resources. The UK Office
for National Statistics (ONS) has a statistical overview, product
catalog and a search. The US Census Bureau has a collection of very
large publication catalogues, directories and periodicals. Statistics
Canada has several searches, publications and a catalogue

The two further elements to the statistical agencies are the
statistical libraries and the unreported commercial statistics. The ABS
has a dedicated statistical library within each Australian state, and
collections of ABS documents within most public and school libraries.
While the ABS documents within libraries are limited, the ABS libraries
are very detailed with most every publication they create available for
review. This is standard throughout the world.

While publications are sold by each statistical agency, and the
publication catalogues are available online, each agency has data they
sell in other formats. CD-ROMs of popular geographical and statistical
distribution have become very popular, as have small area population
statistics. Some of these services are packaged and sold for specific
purposes, like 4-site by the ABS used in describing business locations.
Even further, statistics can be generated specific to your needs. This
might include ABS import and export statistics for specific
commodities, or specific results from any of their surveys.

Lastly, Usinfostore.com presents a collection of economic indicators as
time-series data. The statistics originate from several government
agencies and is best considered as a value-added service: an intriguing
beneficial trend?

National Statistical Agencies are certainly not the only source of
statistics. They are, however, some of the easiest to access. These
agencies also have several traits that distinguish them from other
information sources.

Firstly, these agencies are legally required to disguise their
statistics to protect the identity of specific businesses and
individuals (with the exception of the Business Register). If there is
only one or two timber exporters in Western Australia, the ABS will not
give you timber exports from Western Australia. Specifics are found in
directories like Kompass, commercial databases, or insider information
(experts and articles by experts).

Secondly, national statistical agencies have a tendency to be old. Most
surveys are not completed annually, but rather every two, three or more
years. Census data is older still. The analysis process also adds a
delay. The ABS tends to take a year or more to collate and analyze
statistics. For Legal and Accounting Services Australia we have '92-'93
statistics, and the '95-96 statistics are due to be released early Nov
1997. Certain statistics like National Indicators are rapidly produced,
but most are not.

Thirdly, national statistical agency publications are detailed - far
more than most statistical publications. Commercial statistical sources
often neglect supporting information like sample size and demographic
breakdown, but expect these publications to include this and more.
Publications may still require further analysis, and may occasionally
come from inferior sources of information, but they are professionally

There are several ways to search each agency: (1)
Each agency has thoughtfully provided their catalogue of publications
online. The links are above.

(2) Each agency collects certain information for analysis. It is
helpful to become familiar with the various surveys and information
sources used by each agency.

Besides the Census, the ABS conducts surveys of weekly household
expenditure, agricultural land-use surveys, R&D surveys, and periodic
surveys of various segments of the economy (like Legal and Accounting
Services, Australia 1992-93). They also collect landing cards (tourism
information), export and import documentation, regional hotel occupancy
rates and more. Each statistical agency is similar.

If the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) has not yet conducted a
survey of hospital occupancy, they will not have this information.

(3) Agencies publish guides to information on a particular topic. They
also publish various newsletters of recent releases and annual
yearbooks too.

National Statistical Agencies are not the only statistics, nor
particularly the best. They are, however, often the best source for
demographic data, widely used by government and frequently re-published
in other government documents. These agencies also provide a range of
sample and national summary data directly from their website. Online
statistics have not yet been organized, so I rather expect browsing the
website for free information will be unwise, unless you are looking for
simple national data.
This document continues as Part 3/6
Copyright (c) 1998-2001 by David Novak, all rights reserved. This FAQ
may be posted to any USENET newsgroup, on-line service, website, or BBS
as long as it is posted unaltered in its entirety including this
copyright statement. This FAQ may not be included in commercial
collections or compilations without express permission from the author.
Please send permission requests to ***@spireproject.com
David Novak
2010-10-15 04:22:54 UTC
Archive-name: internet/info-research-faq/part4
Posting-Frequency: monthly
Last-modified: April 2002
URL: http://spireproject.com
Copyright: (c) 2001 David Novak
Maintainer: David Novak <***@spireproject.com>

Information Research FAQ (Part 4/6)

100 pages of search techniques, tactics and theory
by David Novak of the Spire Project (SpireProject.com)

Welcome. This FAQ addresses information literacy; the skills, tools and
theory of information research. Particular attention is paid to the
role of the internet as both a reservoir and gateway to information

The FAQ is written like a book, with a narrative and pictures. You have
found your way to part four, so do backtrack to the beginning. If you
are lost, this FAQ always resides as text at
http://spireproject.com/faq.txt and http://spireproject.co.uk/faq.txt
and with pictures at http://spireproject.com/faq.htm

This FAQ is an element of the Spire Project http://spireproject.com,
the primary free reference for information research and an important
resource for search assistance.

*** The Spire Project also includes a 3 hour public seminar titled
*** Exceptional Internet Research. This is a fast paced seminar
*** supported with a great deal of webbing, reaching to skills and
*** research concepts beyond the ground covered on our website and
*** this FAQ. http://spireproject.com/seminar.htm has a synopsis.
*** I am in Europe, seminaring in Ireland and Europe though I
*** will be returning to the US shortly, and South Australia for
*** a seminar this October.

David Novak - ***@spireproject.com
The Spire Project : SpireProject.com and SpireProject.co.uk

NOTE FOR RETURN READERS: previously, we prepared this section by
converting work originally prepared in html. This became unproductive
so we have limited the internet links in this FAQ and direct you to the
more lengthy articles prepared in html. All the required links and
search tool forms reside in other parts of the Spire Project, like the
websites and free shareware

Information by Field
Section 6

Country Profiles
links and more at http://spireproject.com/country.htm

Certain questions require country specific data. The internet is a fine
source for this kind of information, dominated by data from large
international organizations (the UN, World Bank and WHO) and government
departments (CIA, UK Foreign Consular Office, Health Canada, Australian
Department of Foreign Affairs). This works in our favour: such
information attains a higher standard of quality than might otherwise
be expected on the internet. The down side: current information is
difficult to locate. Further commercial compilations exist with
particular strengths in economic analysis.

The Spire Project maintains a very fine html article on country
profiles, in many ways a flagship for our approach to assisted
research. All the links are on this article, so we will merely describe
available resources here. Start at http://spireproject.com/country.htm

As a fine example of liberating information from previously limited
circulation, country-specific data has flowed from many a government
and quasi-government institution. So much information, of such high
quality, has become available that several commercial interests have
abandoned the field altogether.

* International Travel Advisory Reports from USA, Canada, Australia and
the UK cover details of importance to travelers like health care,
crime, current security issues. These travel advisories only mildly
overlap so try to read each one and take note of the preparation date.

* Country Health Reports are released online from the CDC, Health
Canada, World Health Organization (WHO) and the Pan American Health
Organization (PAHO).

* General and Demographic Country Profiles originate from the CIA, [US]
Library of Congress, US Department of State, UNICEF, US Census Bureau,
World Bank and the UN Statistical Division.

* Social profiles and detailed social incident reporting originates
from Amnesty International , the Red Cross, US Committee for Refugees,
the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), US
Department of State, Refugees.org cover Human Rights, Refugees and
Armed Conflict in great detail.

* Economic Country Profiles are released by the governments of New
Zealand, Australia, United States, The OECD and the World Bank. More
market related profiles also exist from the EU, the US and the World
Trade Organization (WTO).

What this means:
The list of publishers above is literally a Who's Who of international
diplomacy and observation. Embedded within this field is also a story
of the liberation of information previously published in different and
predominantly closed systems. As each individual publication emerges
online, it adds to the wealth of information from other sources. Taken
collectively, we have a powerful trend giving rise to very high quality
information - a trend not unique to country profiles. In time we will
see this trend transform many information fields.

For years I was aware of a small binder by the front desk of the US
consulate help desk. The binder contained the latest bulletins and
alerts thought relevant to overseas travelers. Today, you are far more
likely to see this electronically as the US International Travel
Advisory Reports, delivered electronically at

Almost all of the electronic resources, with the notable exception of
the Country Indicators for Foreign Policy (CIFP) by the Canadian
Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade and Norman
Paterson School of International Affairs, all these electronic
resources were previously published in paper. So the above list is
really a list of pre-existing publications now released on the
internet. This is both delightful, since we now have rapid access to
very fine publications, and delightful, since we can look forward to a
future with country profiles specifically designed for the web.

The library resources, like the "Europa World Year Book" (now in its
37th edition) and the "Compendium of Social Statistics and Indicators"
by the United Nations, publish data very similar to other publications
currently online. The notable exceptions are the publications of the
Far Eastern Economic Review and the Economist. These two financial
papers publish economic profiles both in print, and through their
periodical. This kind of data is a little higher quality than that
found online, and does not suffer the time-lag which is the one
accusation we can level against government information.

The commercial country profiles includes PERC (Political and Economic
Risk Consultancy), the Economist Intelligence Unit (EIU), Bank of
America World Information Services, and then a number of
quasi-government or government publications for sale from Australian
Dept of Foreign Affairs, US Embassies and the OECD. Additional
publications exist and fall into one of these two categories.

The initial alternative information includes reading regional papers
and periodicals or reading and searching current news. For more depth,
there are international policy journals and scholarly journals with
expert commentary under peer review, or for simple questions, the
Ambassador, Consulate and Representatives both of your country and the
target country can help you answer specific questions.

Country Profiles makes for a very good microcosm of information
organization in action. Let us focus on how available country profiles
have changed over the last few years. We have a few commercial
publications, being offset by a range of free publications emerging
from government and quasi-government sources, and encroached by other
information resources of related information.

Import Statistics

Once you have decided to reach for trade statistics, reach for the
best. All the general statistics and trade links are of limited
relevance compared to knowing the volume of tuna exported to Japan. We
can try to identify specific exporting firms, potential markets and
existing trade patterns. We list here statistics prepared by the
national statistical agencies, certain directories of possible
interest, and a database of port traffic.

Trade Data Online
Trade Data Online
(strategis.ic.gc.ca/sc_mrkti/tdst/engdoc/tr_homep.html) is a service by
Industry Canada, presenting trade information from Statistics Canada
and the US Bureau of the Census. This free database presents trade data
for both the US and Canada. Results either list imports and exports by
product (down to the level of "pulp of wood and the like", or
"footwear", or imports and exports by industry ("fruit farms" or
"contract logging industry").

In every way, this is a brilliant tool, except the depth of categories.
Results can be as specific as exports from British Columbia to
Afghanistan, divided by month in CA$ or US$. For more detail, we need
to reach for the paid services below.

Kompass directories list manufacturing firms by product. If you are
looking for the manufacturer of plastic disk slips - here is where you
go. They are a bit tricky to use, so read our simple guide first.
Kompass directories list manufacturing companies, which may suggest
potential exporters.

Kompass is produced by Kompass [US] or Kompass International. Print
directories exist for most countries while Kompass databases cover
regions (i.e. Kompass Asia/Pacific). Large libraries will have some of
the print directories. Further descriptions can be found from Dialog,

Australian Exports by Austrade, gives the names of major firms divided
by product and service. Volume of trade is not provided, but this
directory, and directories like this, provide the names responsible for
the trade numbers you can determine using other resources (like export
statistics from the Australian Bureau of Statistics). The American
Export Register provides similar information.

Commercial Databases
US Trade Statistics
The US Customs Service collects import and export information, but the
information is developed by the US Census Bureau and Stat-USA (a
commercial wing of the Dept of Commerce). The Trade Data Online listed
above is a free version of this information but at a shallow level.

The National Trade Data Bank (NTDB) is a subscription service to US
import and export statistics offered through Stat-USA. Costs are
US$50/quarter or US$150/yr. This data is accessed through the Stat-USA
website. The database extends down to the level of "0105190020 Turkeys,
Live, Weighing Not Over 185 G Each (SIC0259)".

The subscription price also entitles you to a range of further economic
data, so you will want to investigate this a little further.

The US Census Burea, also sells trade data collected by the US Customs
Service. Start at USA Trade Statistics.

Canadian Trade Statistics

Canadian customs information is either available through The Trade Data
Online (a free but at a shallow trade database), or through the
Canadian International Merchandise Trade Database, also by Statistics

The Canadian International Merchandise Trade Database delivers specific
imports and exports from Canada - and provides you with a quote for the
cost. Works like a shopping trolley, and Statistics Canada accepts
payment by credit card.

All the Australian Trade Statistics are prepared by the Australian
Bureau of Statistics (ABS). Import and Export statistics are collected
by the customs authority, then released as a paid service directly from
the ABS prepared to the level of classification you need. Prices are
arranged by quote.

Due to privacy concerns you will not be able to pinpoint who is
exporting/importing but you will get totals, by state if you wish, for
commodities. This is a paid service. To start, contact the ABS by

PIERS - Port traffic database.
PIERS (www.piers.com) is a database of port traffic. Based upon the
port documents (manifest & bill of lading), the complete database
compiles this information into specific categories, countries and the
like. The PIERS database covers imports and exports from the US, Mexico
and a collection of south and Latin American countries. Of particular
interest, summary data is also available through the website (sample).
A report detailing the top importers of olives from Italy costs US$87
when I looked. Databases are organized as US or Mexico, Import or

As each national statistical bureau records and monitors imports and
exports, read the National Statistical Agencies article for directions
to other country statistics. For those tempted to trawl for internet
resources, consider International Trade Web Resources by the Federation
of International Trade Associations
(http://www.fita.org/webindex.html), a site recommended by Argus.

Business Benchmarks

Business Benchmarks are statistical descriptions of the running costs
of comparable businesses.

There are several ways to use benchmarks. Accountants use them
frequently, as do bankers and investment advisors, to judge the health
of a business. Certainly anyone buying a business will reach for
business benchmarks as one measurement of business health and value.
Equally as often, your accountant will do this work for you.

A standard business benchmark will describe various costs as a
percentage of total turnover. They may include figures like turnover
per staff, gross profit as a percentage of turnover, staffing costs as
a percentage of turnover and such. Some benchmarks give more. These are
the ones we are aware of.

* Small Business Advancement Electronic Resource
The SBAER (http://www.sbaer.uca.edu) publishes a collection of 33 small
business profiles, free on the net but unfortunately slightly dated
now. Start at http://www.sbaer.uca.edu/sbaer/publications/#industry

* US Industry and Trade Outlook 2000 (USA)
US Industry and Trade Outlook 2000 is an NTIS publication compiled by
industry analysts from Dept of Commerce. Their blurb describes a 650
page volume, reviewing most important sectors of the US economy. If
your library does not have a copy, the book is inexpensive at about
US$70. See their webpage description

* Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) (Australia)
The ABS publishes business benchmarks in their industry analyses. If
the ABS has undertaken surveys, and you search their online catalogue
to determine this, then they will have compiled information that can be
used as business benchmarks. You may have to calculate the percentages
yourself, the ABS tends to have older data than other sources, and
focus more on industry. The ABS collects their data from surveys sent
to businesses. Start with the current ABS Catalogue of Publications.

Other benchmarks are published as books.

* The [Australian] Bureau of Industry Economics publishes a series of
studies on various Australian infrastructure industries. Each study
compares between states and against best work practice, including
costs, services and operating efficiency. All have the titles
"International Performance Indicators ..." and you can get a list by
entering this in the AGIP database of Australian Government

* The Locating Books article will help you find alternative books.

Commercial Benchmark Compilations

* FMRC Benchmarking Team (Australia)
The FMRC Business Benchmarks (www.benchmarking.au.com ) are Australian
business benchmarks, recording the expected costs as a percentage and
certain business ratios for a range of mostly small business

I have not had time to review their new website but previously they
came in two formats... a single sheet and a small pamphlet, which is
little more than the single sheet with an explanation attached.
Accountants use benchmarks frequently, and this may well be the easiest
place to go to get them. The State Library in Western Australia has an
aging collection in a binder held behind the business help desk and The
Small Business Development Corporation's Free Advisory service in WA
incorporate this information into their advice. You could also purchase
these directly from the SBDC (formerly $250 for hard or softcopy for
complete information or about A$40 each.)

Be careful of their age. Each industry is only analyzed every few
years, and the libraries may not have the most recent version. Further,
these do require some understanding of business ratios.

* Westralian Business Ratios (Western Australia)
John Watson, from the Economics Department of the University of Western
Australia, has created a very professional set of business benchmarks
on Western Australian businesses. Unlike most business benchmarks,
these are annual, present quartile information and describe the
statistics in a most professional manner (including sample size !). You
may need the help of your accountant to get a copy.

We have listed just a few benchmarks here but information about
benchmarks is so poorly distributed, and we get asked so frequently, we
thought it worthwhile publishing this article anyway. If you know of
further benchmarks, do inform us.

One further opportunity is Purposeful Benchmarking. Ideally you arrange
an amicable invitation to peruse the best practice of, not your
competitor but a business unit which does similar functions in a
different industry. Thus, compare Airplane Turnaround times with an
racecar pit crew.

The Benchmark Self-Help Manual is guide to the concept of creating
benchmarks. Best Practice manuals and journals also cover this

Company Information
links and more at http://spireproject.com/company.htm

Company information forms the backbone to the information industry.
There is real money here. Investors are eager, customers & suppliers
are eager, competitors are eager to find good information. As a result,
a wide collection of very client-centered research resources has grown
up to deliver to this market.

Your research may take you into competitive intelligence and private
investigation - talking to competitors, customers, suppliers, past
employees and more. Another direction leads to information specific to
an industry: perhaps locating export logs or chemical patents. For the
purpose of this article, let's restrict ourselves to public, general
and readily available resources: publications from the company itself,
government disclosure documents, directory information, business news
articles, compiled company profiles, and related profiles like credit
reports or investment profiles.

Corporate Websites
Let's start with the obvious. Companies publish information about
themselves - some of it quite useful & factual. Look for a company

* Use Altavista to find a specific commercial website. Specifically use
the url:name function (like url:nike).
* Alternatively, use Debriefing (http://www.debriefing.com), a
meta-search engine optimized for finding names and named websites.
* If you still have difficulties, consider a local or national search

Government Disclosure Documents
Governments require all companies to release some information - some of
this is made public. Much greater information is released from public

* EDGAR (http://www.sec.gov/cgi-bin/srch-edgar), a database produced by
the (US) Securities and Exchange Commission, delivers all public US
company submissions as required by law. The information is factual and
numerical - and includes both current and past submissions. Access is
free on the net.

* SEDAR (www.sedar.com), produced for the Canadian Depository for
Securities, is the Canadian counterpart to the US EDGAR database. SEDAR
delivers the public securities filings and public/mutual fund profiles.
SEDAR also includes some press releases. The search is very

EDGAR (and presumably SEDAR) are also basic ingredients to other
commercial databases like EDGAR Plus on Dialog or company profiles like
Hoovers Company Profiles. EDGAR Plus and Disclosure (another database)
contain very similar data to the free EDGAR database but include better
fields and standardized financials.

Basic Directory Information
Address, contact numbers and basic size may be all you need initially.
Such information can be found through numerous book directories. Most
directories are created from questionnaires, so the information is
suggestive - not absolute.

Directories come in different forms; general information, businesses in
specific industries or regions, registers like American Export Register
& Australian Exports, and serialized directories like Kompass & Who's
Who (i.e. Who's Who of Business in Australia). The commercial databases
to these serials usually cover a far larger area that may be very
useful. Kompass comes in national directories; one of the databases
covers S.E.Asia.

Every library will have numerous directory titles available, though not
always the most recent editions. Especially in recent years, a vast
collection of directories have emerged with titles like Lloyds Shipping
Register, Radio Airtime Sales, and National Directory of Multicultural
Research - clearly a great range exist.

Some of the more popular directories have previously become available
as commercial databases. A small collection of directories like Thomas
Register of American Manufacturing, American Export Register and
CompaniesOnline (Dun & Bradstreet with Lycos) are emerging free online.

The humble phone book is certainly available. Another option is to
reach for phone numbers on CD-ROM. Australian Businesses on CD,
American Business Information - A Business Directory (Dialog) and more.

Directories may also be used to determine what the companies produce
and sell. The Kompass Directories index manufacturers by product.
Australian Exports (by Austrade) lists exporters by product.
Directories have other innovative uses too.

Corporate structure can be found using, again, a collection of
directories: America's Corporate Families and International Affiliates,
Directory of Corporate Affiliations (Dialog), Who Owns Who (by Dun &

Company Annual Reports
Annual reports are brilliant at giving a concise review of a business
or government operation and they usually don't lie too directly (though
they do put quite a spin on the statistics from time to time).

Annual reports will be found in one of five sources:
* State Public Libraries,
* Stock Exchange Libraries,
* Direct from the Company,
* Purchased through Annual Report Providers,
* Annual reports may also be published on the company website. Wall
Street Journal and Public Register's Annual Report Service -PRARS are
reported as commercial annual reports providers.

The Simon Fraser University Library has compiled a fine resource for
company annual reports: Business - Annual Reports

News Coverage and Press Releases
Many newswires contain copious amounts of information about companies -
and describe products, mergers and fiascoes. Prominent newspapers
specialize in covering business. In active research, this means
searching the commercial databases of past & recent news. This is
described in more detail in our news article.

News is generated locally, then distributed globally through the
newswires. Associated Press, Reuters and the top of the line Bloomberg
Business Newsall deliver business news targeted to the investor.

Press releases are released through BusinessWire and PR Newswire and a
selection of national wire services. Current press releases are usually
free online but past press releases are again archived as commercial
databases. This information is also rather ubiquitously used in the
preparation of company profiles.

Prominent business investigation also occurs through specific
newspapers. The Financial Times and the Wall Street Journal can be very
useful resources in this regard. Of course, these newspapers are also
available as searchable databases. Business Electronic Newspapers
(http://www.libraries.rutgers.edu/rulib/socsci/busi/busenews.htm) lists
many of the business-related electronic news sources available on the

Business & Trade Articles
Companies are also profiled in the trade periodicals. There are three
ways to approach this. Firstly, you can attempt a broad search for
articles about a company in a wide collection of commercial article
databases. Secondly, you can seek articles in specific, topical trade
publications by searching databases specific to the field the company
works in. Thirdly, you can use what is close at hand, perhaps access to
ABI/Inform or another popular business article database, and see what

These alternative approaches each have pros & cons. ABI/Inform has a
deep North American bias (as do many commercial databases) and indexes
many of the more trashy/newsy local business magazines. Tightly focused
databases may simply have nothing on the target company - or have only
technical matters. Certain databases will allow you to specify during
the search exactly what company you are interested in: you will read of
these in the database descriptions.

To find trade periodicals, consider searching on a broad business
database, then noting the titles that repeat themselves.

Commercial Company Profiles
A wide range of potted histories, financial histories and current
information is available. The market is not necessarily centered in the
US, but North American products are better promoted. This information
comes in the form of small reports about a given business, prepared
with investors in mind.
* Hoover's Online (www.hoovers.com)
* Standard & Poor
* Dun & Bradstreet
* Moody's - Moody's Corporate Profiles
* Disclosure (www.disclosure.com)
* Value Line Investment Survey
* Worldscope (www.worldscope.com), a global database.

For a fine, European dominated list of country profile retailers, read
Sheila Webber's article: Company Profiles and Financial Information

A holistic approach: the most powerful tools present a variety of
resources for your attention.
* Lexis-Nexis Company Library
* Dow Jones News/Retrieval Service

Investext (www.investext.com) - provides in-depth business research -
access to collections of investment research, market research, and
trade association research, authored by analysts at investment banks,
brokerages and related consulting firms. The work is also available
through EINS, Dialog and Datastar.

Company research need not stop here. There are many avenues of further
research: Directly ask the company for sales literature: catalogue,
price list, local sales agents, Monitor company employment
advertisements, Articles in the trade and specialized press, Company
registers: in addition to anonymous statistical compilations, the
national statistical bureau will also have a register of businesses -
by name - with address coded by industry code. This is used firstly
with site analysis, but may also be useful for geographical analysis of
businesses. Background information on company leaders: their history,
experience and age, Patent research. Industry level research - see
Industry Research, Large international firms may have books written
about them - consider a book search, Interview past employees of the
company, Interview their suppliers or customers, Local newspapers where
the firm is located.

The task of finding information about companies is really a task of
finding information thrown off in the process of running a business.
Some of it is mandated by government (Edgar & Sedar), some of it by
newspapers, some by the company itself (websites, price lists). In each
case, some organization has stepped forward to collect and organize the
information. Annual Reports on the web gave rise to web directories of
annual reports. Corporate ownership - the directory "Who Owns Who" by
Dun & Bradstreet.

Industry Information
links and more at http://spireproject.com/industry.htm

Industry research will encompass many of the research tools and vectors
described more fully in our other articles. Your research into the
information industry (as an example) will certainly include a book
search, an article search, perhaps some patent research, statistics and
discussion groups.

What we have in this article are the resources specifically for
industry level research - and leads to further promising directions
like patent research, statistics and discussion groups.

With few exceptions, you will need to search for specific facets of an
industry when you continue your research beyond this article. You will
get no-where trying to search for "information industry" - but will
find very factual information about the proposed changes to
intellectual property of database contents (an issue critical to the
information industry).

The web is a fine example of this: with the exception of Industry
Canada & the US Census Bureau, I can think of no other sites devoted to
'industry'; few organizations package information this way.

There are numerous gems to be unearthed free from the internet.
Industry news flows through news sources like AnchorDesk & Clarinet.
Discussion groups may inform and dissect developments in industries
with great resource and collective skill. Associations may occasionally
feel it is in their interest to publish industry briefs & white papers
describing their position. Without exception, you will have better
success searching for specific facets of an industry which interest

Online Industry Information
Market Access Database (mkaccdb.eu.int), a project by the Commission of
the European Union, presents some sharp analysis about market access
for a collection of 30+ countries. Extends from overviews of barriers,
to specific barriers in specific industries. Query the database by

The US Census Bureau publishes Current Industrial Reports. Just a few
are online, and this is just one resource here, so it is better to
search their website or review their catalogue.

Industry Canada, working with Statistics Canada, publishes a fine site
devoted to Canadian industry statistics. These organizations are also
responsible for Trade Data Online
(strategis.ic.gc.ca/sc_mrkti/tdst/engdoc/tr_homep.html), a free
database presenting US & Canadian Trade broken down to industry (SEC &

Government Publication Databases
One of the first tasks to undertake is a search of the government
publication databases. Governments spend an inordinate portion of their
time monitoring industries - and write exhaustively. This will be one
of your most promising sources of Industry data and description.
Publications undertaken at a national level should appear in their
respective government publication databases: AGIP, MOCAT & the
publication catalogue of the UK Stationery Office.

National Statistical Agency Data
A second invaluable resource will be the national statistical agencies:
the US Census Dept, Statistics Canada, the Australian Bureau of
Statistics (ABS), the UK Office for National Statistics (ONS). Some of
their data is published on the web and each have their publications
catalogue online. Links and forms are prepared for you in our article:
National Statistical Bureau.

Further Statistical Resources:
Association Statistics are usually tightly focussed on the industry
itself. A case in point, the Australian Booksellers Association
prepares an annual analysis of business benchmarks, and industry size,
growth and development. Such publications are usually inexpensive and
timely. Start by locating an association particular to the industry.

Benchmark Studies, undertaken by accountancy firms and associations
focus on the financial ratios involved in business. The FMRC Business
Benchmarks and the United States Trade and Industry Outlook
(www.ntis.gov/yellowbk/1nty752.htm) are examples. Both present
descriptions of business operating costs, risk and margins compiled by
comparing financial data from various companies within an industry. The
results are anonymous, but factual and again, relatively timely.

The Statistical Abstract of the US (www.census.gov/stat_abstract), free
online from the US Census Bureau, gives you another avenue for finding
industry related statistics. There are several statistical resource
directories in most libraries, like Statistical Sources (by Gale

Further Government Industry Studies
Governments do not always publish their work widely. Non-statistical
agencies create vast quantities of government studies on all manner of
industry, but this work is primarily undertaken as part of their
industry supervisory role. Of course, this information is available to
you if you can find it. If the information has arrived on the web, you
may find it with a web search limited to government webpages.

If your industry analysis is local, approach the appropriate state
government organizations. Here in Western Australia, for example, the
state tourism agency maintains a list of all planned large tourism
projects. This is a fine example of the potential value to be found
here. Of course, this list is not widely published - or known - but one
should not underestimate the industry information prepared by
government agencies.

Further avenues could include researching changes to industry
regulation, perhaps with congressional discussion or legal commentary.
Such research may be internet based for the US (I am thinking of the
Library of Congress Thomas Database). Consider reading sections of The
Virtual Chase (http://www.virtualchase.com/coinfo/index.htm).

Industry research has also grown into a very active industry in its own
right. There are many organizations who have built considerable
expertise in analyzing and preparing research reports both as a retail
and consultancy service.

Market Research & Industry Research Reports
Many of the larger market research firms also prepare market/industry
reports for sale. These reports are only as good as their age, depth
and reputation, and may be prohibitively expensive. They are, however,
also very accessible ways to read an encapsulated concern of an
industries changes and movement - and may save you from undertaking
some of the work yourself.

* Find/SVP (www.findsvp.com) is a good example.

* Here in Australia, IBIS and Syntec Economic Services both specialize
in preparing industry research reports - often for government. Again,
some of this work becomes available to purchase.

For a fine list of such market research retailers, consider reading
Sheila Webber's 1998 list: Commercial market research companies

Your national embassies and trade organizations also provide
international industry and marketing reports. This is undertaken as
paid consultancy work.

Business Magazines and Trade Periodicals
Industry analysts are not the only ones involved in research.
Considerable broad industry analysis occurs in the trade and business
press. The most effective tool here, of course, is the article search.

There are two ways to approach this. Firstly, if you can refine your
concept to a specific phrase which interests you, then try a broad
search of business & industry periodicals. Alternatively, you can
select a specific database particular to the industry you want to
cover. For example: Aluminum Industry Abstracts (Dialog). This is
covered in a little more detail our articles on Finding Articles &
Commercial Databases.

There are also collections of databases focused on 'industry' in
general. Industry Trends and Analysis: (Dialog) a mixed
index/abstract/text for "broad coverage of industries, technologies,
and management topics", and Predicasts Prompt: a "multi-industry
bibliographic database, offering access to over 1500 trade journals,
newspapers and special reports in relation to over 60 industries".

Many of the resources used in company research will describe the
industry too. Annual Reports for industry giants will include
information useful for industry analysis. The same directories like
Kompass which can be used to identify the address of a company, can
also be used to identify the companies which are active in a particular
industry. Patents may be critical in certain industries. Thankfully,
the US & Canada have considerable patent data free online. Patent
research is covered separately in Searching Patents. Interview key
analysts within the industry. These are the people writing the
articles, the industry reports, the government analysts and, perhaps,
critical managers & past managers from the industry. Import & Export
statistics may help you understand and quantify the international
nature of an industry. This is described separately in our article:
Imports & Exports. Of particular interest will be the free internet
access to US and Canadian trade statistics by SIC & NAICS thanks to
Industry Canada.

As with corporate research, there are a very many rewarding avenues to
search for industry information. The challenge will be in structuring
your approach in a way that both suits your budget and desired depth.
If we are successful, we aim to have compiled a collection of industry
specific data from a range of sources, including a range of bias and
background. A simple pitfall: collecting various resources which all
depend on SEC financial data. You are equally likely to collect
resources featuring data pulled primarily from the company's annual
report or website. In this field, numerous references does not
necessarily lend additional credence to information.

Industry Research could either be research into industry-groups
(banking or transport industries) or research into specific industries
(wholesale furniture or retail butchers). This is a good distinction to
make as very different resources are involved. Industry-group trends
may be found with national statistics, government trade reports and
general market reports. Researching specific industries may better be
served with association statistics, specific market reports, trade
articles and business benchmarks. Select only the resources you feel
match your research goals.

Secondly, collecting industry research need not be constrained to your
national border. There are very good reasons to consider statistics
collected from foreign governments or associations. Industries do not
develop uniformly in different countries. Foreign industries may be
predictive of industry developments yet to flow through to your
country, or indicative of different standards and legislation.

There is considerable expertise in drawing conclusions from industry
data: a skill beyond the initial scope of our work here. This is often
the domain of experienced consultancy - though there is certainly no
miracle to it. May I recommend a book; The New Competitor Intelligence
by Leonard Fuld. Lastly, we have not yet described the categorization
of industries using standard SIC or NAICS coding. In simple terms, each
industry is divided into specific codes, similar to the international
patent classification or the Dewey decimal system. The two systems SIC
and NAICS are inter-related and will not cause undue difficulty. Trade
statistics, digital business directories, and national statistical
bureau industry data will all use the industry codes.

Personal Information
links and more at http://spireproject.com/people.htm

There are tools to assist you to either locate someone you know, or dig
up background information. The internet has email directories and phone
directories aplenty as well as tools to trace internet communication.
Beyond this, there are tools to find silent numbers, business and asset
ownership, newspaper articles and more. You will start with a name or
email address.

Finding an Email Address:

* The Yahoo People Search (people.yahoo.com) is an important and
flexible tool for finding email & address information.

* Switchboard (www.switchboard.com) also offers several people search

* You may need to search the people databases from several internet
websites to be successful. For further assistance, consider the FAQ:
How to find people's E-mail addresses
(http://www.cs.queensu.ca/FAQs/email/bigfinding.html) and the phone &
address references on Yahoo.

People who Publish Online
Has the person published anything on the internet? The simple way is to
search the internet for the full name of the individual in the hope
they included their email address or real name on the webpage. Use
Altavista and Debriefing for this task. For more depth, read the
article: Searching the Web. Altavista has a very large, fast search
engine. Type the name using quotes to keep the words together. Add in
further information if you know using url:edu or keywords (use the +
sign). Also, capitals matter with Altavista. Debriefing, is a
meta-search engine optimized for finding people & named websites.

Finger is a lesser known internet protocol which sometimes reveals
information about a person given an email address. It used to be more
common and may give name & perhaps if a person is currently logged in.
It is easy to make a finger request from a Unix command line (finger
***@host). Some web-browsers will allow you to enter a finger request
directly (as finger://***@host). Alternatively, use a finger
gateway like this one from MIT (http://www.mit.edu:8001/finger?).

Tracing Online Communication
Deja.com usenet archive (www.deja.com) maintains a very large database
of newsgroup discussion. The Deja.com's power search is a must-see and
will give you a brilliant author profile. Here is a quick search; the
power search has more flexible options.

Searching mailing list discussion is more difficult. If you know a
forum a person is active in, see our article: Discussion Groups.
Alternatively, search the web for the email address. Hopefully you will
catch list discussion picked up by zines or directly by search engines.
Use Altavista for this.

Phone Directories
There are several tools available to you here: Printed Directories:
White pages - if you know the name but not the address or phone number.
Yellow pages & other business listings - if you know the business, but
not address or number. Sometimes libraries and post offices will have
the white pages to different states. A better alternative may be to
search the white pages through the internet. For a very complete list,
visit Telephone Directories on the Web (http://www.teldir.com).

Directory Assistance - if you know an approximate name/address
combination, but not number. Directory Assistance is a service provided
by your phone company.

Phone directory databases - usually prepared as a CD-ROM, listing all
the phone numbers in Australia. this is particularly good for a reverse
search: seeking the name and address from the phone number.

Biographical Directories and Databases
If the person is famous, newsworthy or historically important, this may
be a worthwhile option. Directories like the series of Who's Who
directories will list some basic biographical details, most likely
prepared by the person involved. Who's Who directories exist for many
categories and countries like Longman Who's Who, Marquis Who's Who or
Who's Who in European Business.

Alternatively, consider the collection of biographical directories and
databases like Wilson Biography Index (see SilverPlatter or
FirstSearch), Wilson Current Biography (SilverPlatter), Bowker
Biographical Directory or Biography Master Index. The Wilson Biography
Index, for example, cites a large number of periodicals & books which
include biographies.

There is also a simple biographical database online: Biography Online
(www.biography.com), with 15000+ biographical abstracts - but most are
really really short. Of course, for well-known people, consider an

Newspaper Search
Local newspapers are a brilliant resource for information about
individuals, and most anyone running a business will try to be featured
in their local newspapers. The key here is local newspapers, and
historical databases (not current news).

There are no shortages of electronic access to good news too. DataTimes
presents a single access point to many of the North American
newspapers. Global Textline includes access to a wide range of
different countries. With both these news archive databases, you must
be careful to specify exactly what you are looking for. You would be
surprised how many David Novak's there are in my state alone. Use the
full text databases in particular.

Asset Searches
The asset search involves searching a selection of government databases
for home and business ownership. The presence of a mortgage on a house
is public knowledge (though the information is not particularly
current). National business ownership databases, like ASCOT in
Australia, will give you the ownership of businesses and association
management. For a small fee through the department of business
registration, or a collection of commercial retailers, you can search
the ASCOT database by name.

One elegant suggestion is to seek help from a professional information
broker from the area where a person lives. The mailing list InfoPro is
a particularly large collection of brokers who routinely distribute
this kind of information. Consider emailing a request for assistance to
the list manager James and ask your request be circulated to the
mailing list.

Reverse Telephone Directories.
Previously these were primarily police resources, but today they have
become tools for telephone marketing. CD's are pressed with all the
phone numbers in Australia, or all the numbers in the US. The search
function lets you run this as a reverse directory just by searching for
the phone number. Look in the yellow pages, or perhaps ask a librarian
for leads to these resources.

Commercial Personal Information Profiles
There are commercial products supporting the needs of human resource
departments, legal research and the police. Information is collected
and distributed as like Credit Reports, or personal profiles. As an
example, running a level three Missing Links search on CDB (for about
US$15.00) will usually return a US silent phone number.

* CDB Infotek (www.cdb.com/public/) maintain a selection of commercial
databases of personal information.

Further firms have been mentioned as active in this industry, including
American Information Network (http://www.ameri.com), Know-X and IRB
OnLine (http://www.irb-online.com).

There is a serious issue as to the morality of easy access to personal
information. There is an equally important moral value in empowerment:
what is publicly available to should be publicly known.

Beyond these resources we have to tools available to private
investigators: rummaging though garbage cans, following the suspect,
etc... There are also computer files and databases with better
controlled access: drivers databases, police arrest records, voters
registration, medical records, passport and immigration records,
banking records. Most of the latter resources will only be available to
you with the direct permission of the one involved. Further databases,
like a database of known pedophiles, while available, would only be
useful if you had previous suspicions.

links and more at http://spireproject.com/t_mark.htm

A patent protects your investment in an invention. Copyright covers
your effort in a literary or artistic work. Trademarks protect your
investment in identifying a product or service to the marketplace.

Consider the striped IBM logo and the slogan Coke is it. A trademark is
a word, phrase, symbol or combination identifying a product or service
in the marketplace. This covers logos, marketing slogans, brand and
trade names. In some circumstances, the trademark can cover colors or
smells. Registered trademarks are trademarks granted additional
legitimacy by the appropriate government agency. Common Law trademarks
('unregistered') are also protected, to a lesser degree. Both can be
used to stop others using identical or similar marketing slogans,
logos, brand and trade names.

This article delves into the task of trademark research, that is,
finding comparable trademarks. Nothing in here pertains to the legal
aspects of trademark protection or infringement.

Registered Trademark Databases
The first step in trademark research is to search the national
registered trademark databases. These databases are freely searchable

* IP Australia (www.ipaustralia.gov.au) has the very user-friendly
ATMOSS database online, and their more definitive (but nightmarish)
Trade Marks Mainframe Database.

* The US Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) provides US Trademarks
online. Read the description/disclaimers/options for the US Trademark
Database, or jump directly to the Boolean Search Page.

* The Canadian Intellectual Property Office CIPO (cipo.gc.ca) delivers
free online, the Canadian Trade-marks Database - all pending and
registered trade-marks in Canada. Canada also publishes some of the
best advice regarding trademarks.

* Further countries are preparing English access to registered
trademarks. Start with Rossco's WWW Corner which has a fine list of
Patent Offices (http://www.pcug.org.au/~rossco/poffices.htm).

IP Australia (www.ipaustralia.gov.au) is the government organization
responsible for Australian trademark concerns. Australia has about
800,000 registered trademarks, and access is freely available online
through either the simple graphical interface of ATMOSS (Australian
Trade Marks Online Search System), or through the slightly superior but
difficult and non-graphical Trade Marks Mainframe Database (and the
associated trademark viewer).

The ATMOSS database allows you to search using either the description
of the trademark, or the trade mark number. It is returns similar
trademarks, with trademark number, class, description, date, status,
and perhaps an image of the trademark.

The [Australian] Trade Marks Mainframe Database is technically superior
to ATMOSS as it is more current (about 3 days rather than about 2
weeks), has better field searching (by owners or phonetic) and includes
references to correspondence regarding trademark registration.
Unfortunately, the Trade Marks Mainframe Database is not graphical, and
is probably not worth your time in learning. I am led to believe the
superior field searching will gradually migrate to ATMOSS anyway. If
you do wish to persevere, there is a manual online.

Common Law Searching
In most countries, but not all, registration of a trademark is not
required to gain legal protection. Most trademarks are not registered,
and enjoy considerable 'common law' legal protection under trade
practices or fair dealing legislation. For this reason a trademark
search must reach beyond the national registered trademark database, to
search brand names, business names, and other sources of trademark

To quote the Trademark FAQ by the USPTO: "A common law search involves
searching records other than the federal register and pending
application records. It may involve checking phone directories, yellow
pages, industrial directories, state trademark registers, among others,
in an effort to determine if a particular mark is used by others when
they have not filed for a federal trademark registration."
Frequently Asked Questions About Trademarks (USPTO)

The premise of a search is to find possible sources of trademark
similarity. We search sites where trademarks appear.

Business names and trademarks are not the same, but are often used
interchangeably. A business name search may give you leads to possible
trademark similarities. Phone directories (white and yellow), and
national business name registers list business names.

The internet is a fine site to search, especially since the search
engines are prepared in a useful manner. I would search for word
fragment in AltaVista, Debriefing, and Deja.com's usenet archive. See
our articles: Searching the Web and Discussion Groups.

Of course, this does not account for similar pronunciation, or the
graphical elements of trademarks.

Trademarks appear in trade magazines, but not often in the database
formats, so this gives rise to the unenviable task of paging through
likely magazines for similar trademark.

One uncertain resources is the Lycos: Pictures and Sounds search
facility. By indexing the alt=" " text from html pages, Lycos compiles
a list of pictures on the web. A search for butterfly, for example,
locates 100+ pictures labeled 'butterfly'. This might work to your
benefit if the graphical element you are searching for is simple and
distinct. Altavista has a similar service.

Should you want to learn how trademarks are created, used and defended,
consider these fine resources:

* Trademark References by the Canadian Intellectual Property Office
(CIPO), including: What's in a Name? Using trade-marks as a business
tool, Glossary of Intellectual Property Terms, Trade-mark FAQ and
Guide to Trade-marks (start at

* All about Trademarks by Gregory H. Guillot at http://www.ggmark.com
(unusual clarity on trademark law) including: A Guide to Proper
Trademark Use, How are Marks Protected

* General Information Concerning Trademarks by the USPTO
(http://www.uspto.gov/web/menu/tm.html) including: Frequently Asked
Questions about Trademarks.

Trademark Libraries
In the countries with internet access to the trademark database, the
libraries could be said to be redundant - except as a source for ample
and personal assistance with your search. In other countries these
libraries may be able to assist with searching.

IP Australia has a patent & trademark library in each state capital.
These libraries provide free access to the ATMOSS database but also
offers the much-needed assistance for the troublesome Trade Marks
Mainframe Database. The US has The Patent and Trademark Depository
Library Program (PTDL's). In Canada, consider visiting Intellectual
Property Links: Canadian by CIPO for possible sources of trademark
assistance. In the UK, we presume the Patents Information Network (PIN)
provides trademark assistance, through the is no freely searchable
database to UK trademarks.

Commercial Trademark Resources
One of the most invaluable resources in serious trademark research is
access to several of the very large commercial trademark databases.

Lexis-Nexis (www.lexis-nexis.com) retails several trademark related

The Dialog Corporation (www.dialog.com) retails a collection of
TRADEMARKSCAN databases to European countries, Canada, and US (federal
& state).

MicroPatent (www.micropat.com) offers access to a proprietary trademark
database. More information coming.

In addition to the database retailers and producers, there is a lively
industry of trademark search assistance.

There are numerous commercial firms on the internet selling trademark
services; much of this is little more than an ad for trademark related

Watching services are another possibility: These are not expensive but
following the leads suggested will be. I can not yet advise you on a
reliable trademark researcher.

As a case in point, IP Australia provides a Business Names Applicant
Search Service. A$40 buys you a search of the Australian registered
trademark database by their trained staff. Contact IP Australia
directly for this (Tel: +61 1300 651010) - they accept credit cards &
fax/postal applications.
This document continues as Part 5/6
Copyright (c) 1998-2001 by David Novak, all rights reserved. This FAQ
may be posted to any USENET newsgroup, on-line service, website, or BBS
as long as it is posted unaltered in its entirety including this
copyright statement. This FAQ may not be included in commercial
collections or compilations without express permission from the author.
Please send permission requests to ***@spireproject.com
David Novak
2010-10-15 04:22:54 UTC
Archive-name: internet/info-research-faq/part5
Posting-Frequency: monthly
Last-modified: April 2002
URL: http://spireproject.com
Copyright: (c) 2001 David Novak
Maintainer: David Novak <***@spireproject.com>

Information Research FAQ (Part 5/6)

100 pages of search techniques, tactics and theory
by David Novak of the Spire Project (SpireProject.com)

Welcome. This FAQ addresses information literacy; the skills, tools and
theory of information research. Particular attention is paid to the
role of the internet as both a reservoir and gateway to information

The FAQ is written like a book, with a narrative and pictures. You have
found your way to part five, so do backtrack to the beginning. If you
are lost, this FAQ always resides as text at
http://spireproject.com/faq.txt and http://spireproject.co.uk/faq.txt
and with pictures at http://spireproject.com/faq.htm

*** The Spire Project also includes a 3 hour public seminar titled
*** Exceptional Internet Research. This is a fast paced seminar
*** supported with a great deal of webbing, reaching to skills and
*** research concepts beyond the ground covered on our website and
*** this FAQ. http://spireproject.com/seminar.htm has a synopsis.
*** I am in Europe, seminaring in Ireland and Europe though I
*** will be returning to the US shortly, and South Australia for
*** a seminar this October.

David Novak - ***@spireproject.com
The Spire Project : SpireProject.com and SpireProject.co.uk

Search Tactics.
Section 7
The Pharaoh called on Shakh to negotiate the annual royal donation with
the priests of Karnak temple complex. The Pharaoh was not wise in such
matters and had previously given far too much to the detriment of the
state. It was not wise to voice such sentiments. Shakh instead set
about negotiating a figure ample to their needs but insufficient to
further expand the temple complex.

Shakh wisely chose to negotiate up river at the Kom Ombo temple - away
from Karnak. Choosing words carefully, he deftly rejected the initial
estimate of the temple's needs, then spoke calmly, eyes tight, that the
Pharaoh had decided Karnak should supply the priests to the Egyptian
army - at current expenses.

It was a clever ruse. The negotiated royal donation was significantly
reduced and the priests were happy to be excluded from military duty.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - -

If searching be a combination of science, art and experience, then the
science of searching is the easiest of the three. There are just a few
search elements to remember and search techniques to apply.

Firstly, there are the tactics associated with free text searching;
that of Boolean, proximity, truncation, field searching, target
searching and further enhancements.

Secondly, there are the basic classification schemes: the Dewey decimal
system (for books) The WIPO and US Patent Classification Systems (for
patents), the Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) Codes (for
industry) and a number of additional classification systems founded on
the same principles.

Thirdly, there is the way information is organized. A book has a
table-of-contents and an index, large directories like Kompass and Gale
Directory of Databases are arranged with so many indexes (geographic,
subject, product, name) that the contact information is often separated
and numbered, then referenced as a number. The results are initially
confusing. Statistics similarly have ways of presenting information
(pie charts, line charts, charts with ranges which do not reach zero)
and again, this can be confusing the first time you see them.

Let's start with the technique associated with searching a text

Straight Word Searching:
All search situations allow you to ask for the presence of words in a
block of text. Obviously it helps if you ask for the right word or
words. If you ask for the right words, they you will quickly locate the
information you desire. For best results you obviously want to choose a
word or words which accurately describes what you are looking for.
Prepare to search the text several times with different terms, and
consider the possibility of different spellings for the same words.

Straight word searching is fairly ubiquitous on the internet. You can
always search a webpage with the search function of your web browser.
Alternatively, you can search by placing a large amount of text into a
word processor and using the in-built search functions. Your
word-processor can handle large files like website traffic logbooks and
archived files of past mailing list discussion. There are also
specialist tools like the shareware WinGrep
(http://www.mindspring.com/~bgrigsby/wingrep.html) for searching many
files on your computer hard drive. (Alternatively, consider
AgentRansack http://www.agentransack.com).

Text Fragments:
The simplest refinement to straight searching involves searching for
parts of a word - if you are interested in surfing, search for surf
better yet, search for " surf" with the space in front of the word.

Some search engines don't allow searches for text fragments, and you
must explain your intention by adding a truncation mark (usually * or
?) to the ends of words. For most professional researchable databases,
alga? will include both algae and algal (as in algal bloom). I was once
badly lost because of the spelling difference between aging and ageing.
There are a number of improvements on this concept to. Sometimes there
are special symbols for a non-space character car?a, sometimes there is
automatic awareness of multiple spellings (colour & color). Sometimes
there is even automatic awareness of synonyms. Often you are initially
unaware important information is indexed under slightly different
spelling, so truncation is strongly suggested for most searching.

An improvement on truncation is the opportunity to look directly at a
list of words, either keywords, or descriptors. This allows you to see
the range of spellings before you search. This is also ideal for
searches of company names or proper places so you can select only the
words you are interested in. In a simple way, some library catalogues
present subject searches in this way: a list of subject categories
arranged alphabetically.

Boolean operators:
Changing tack, searching for multiple words calls for "and, or, not"
concepts. I want this word and that word, but not another word. It is
simple enough. Many of the search engines allow for this with the
-sign, and commercial databases often add brackets. Use of the not
symbol is frowned upon in textbooks (too easy to dismiss information
you are interested in it is said), but the 'and & or' is absolutely
necessary for complex questions like I want [(spaghetti or noodle) and
pasta] or (Italian and cuisine). With most internet search engines, but
not all commercial searches, you will find 'and' is assumed.

Proximity operators:
The next dramatic improvement fixes the position of words relative to
one another. In this category we have adjacent (often written as adj,
next, or "inserted in quotes"), near (by how many words), or in the
same sentence. Often it is wise to stretch the distance a little
(within two), but where available, proximity is best way to remove the
dross without affecting the value of information. "Patent near
Research" is much more precise than "Patent and Research".

By separating information into different fields, we can selectively
search different portions of the information. I want the title to show
the words "Patent" and the abstract to include the words "Patent
Research". Field searching is a common way to refine a search, but be
aware searching titles is very likely to remove some desired
information, where as searching descriptors and not abstracts may
dramatically improve the content.

Date Fields:
Are you really interested in information more than 15 years old?
Library catalogues frequently have many aging books, and date limiting
is very wise.

Further Enhancements:
Ranking and the ability to search multiple databases are some of the
further enhancements that select databases permit. There are also
advances that do not have a grand impact - like natural language.
Natural interpretation allows the searcher to phrase a question with
common sentence structure. The computer then interprets what you want.
In theory natural language is liberating but in practice the strengths
of Boolean, proximity and field searching far exceed the benefits of
natural language searching. Lastly, there are special techniques like
target searching available on a few systems that bear discussing.
Sorting allows you to shape the presentation of the information. When
applied to financial information, this is particularly valuable. Alerts
allow you to automatically repeat a previous search and have the
information sent to you. Multiple database searching allows you to
search a collection of databases concurrently. Ranking positions
certain information at the top. These techniques can be valuable in
certain circumstances.

These technical options improve the blunt system of simply asking for a
word. You will find most search functions allow for some of these
options and all commercial quality databases provide for numerous
functions. The good news is an experienced searcher can accomplish
wonders - collecting articles of 70%+ interest regularly on expensive
database. The bad news is most of the best of search technology is not
implemented on all the databases you will search and only occasionally
on databases free on the internet.

There are several search techniques associated with library catalogues.
Beyond the simple author/title/subject search, we should also consider
searching by Dewey number, and searching first for any title - then
selecting the subject fields.

Dewey Searching
The Dewey decimal system is similar in many ways to the patent
classification system. Each step is divided into 10 - getting more and
more specific. See this CAL State Dewey list
(http://www.calstatela.edu/library/guides/Dclass.htm) to get an idea of
its structure. This number here refers to a book called Australian
government assistance to local government projects:

The Dewey system is arranged by Discipline, not subject groupings. Each
digit to the right becomes progressively more detailed. The system
works well in organizing books - and libraries expand it to suit their
needs - but it is different from a subject catalogue. Because it is
arranged by discipline, subject fields may be split.

In searching, we want to duplicate the walk to the shelves and browsing
other publications that share similar numbers. We do this
electronically by searching/browsing books that share most of a number.
Drop a digit - expand the field of interest.

The Dewey system is a bit congested in certain areas, giving rise to
very long numbers. For this and historical reasons, several national
libraries do not use the Dewey system. The Library of Congress, for
example, has its own classification scheme (Outlined here
http://lcweb.loc.gov/catdir/cpso/lcco/lcco.html ).

Subject Searching
We can do better than searching the subject index of a library
catalogue. Try instead to search for a book which interests you - which
you can usually find easily with a simple title search - and then
selecting the subjects that book are indexed under.

Many of the library catalogues are making this particularly easy by
incorporating links into the catalogue results. A quick look at the
Library of Congress, for example, will show how all the subject fields
are linked to further searching.

We can show this in action by looking at the book Earth Time [1] by
David Suzuki, at my State Library. As you can see down the bottom, it
is indexed under Social Ecology [2] and Human Ecology [3].

This kind of 'locate then expand' is an effective search technique used
in a number of situations. In commercial databases, we may search for a
company then expand to make sure we catch any different company
spellings. We may also wish to search for a book, then search for books
by the same publisher.


- - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Patent Classification
All patents are given a special number. Unfortunately, each country has
a distinct numbering scheme: US patents are assigned a consecutive
patent number (currently 6 million+). Australian patents have an
alphanumerical which includes the year. Canadian patents are numbered.

Above these numbering systems, we have the International Patent
Classification (IPC), by the World Intellectual Property Organization
(WIPO). Most every country uses the IPC to classify patents, save the
US. US Patent Classification is similar in many ways.

International Patent Classification
Thanks to the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO), the
International Patent Classification (IPC) works as a universal
classification for patents. Started in 1975 and periodically updated,
we currently use IPC 7th Edition.

Section, Class & Group. The International Patent Classification looks
like this: A 02 J 1/00
At the heart of the IPC is the unique coding of every invention by its
specific form or function. The system is highly specific and logical,
and includes numerous cross-references to other codes of similar form
or function. Think of this as the Dewey Decimal System for patents.

The first letter is the section - one of eight broad categories labeled
A through G. 'A' represents Human Necessities. 'B' covers Transport.

Each section is divided into Classes. Each class includes two numbers.
In addition, each class is divided into subclasses, the letters which
follow the first number.

Each subclass is then divided into groups and subgroups. The number
before the slash is the group, the number after the slash is the
subgroup. Subgroups only have two digits, with further numbers
considered as resting behind a decimal point: 3/46 then 3/464, then

Thus A 47 J 27/09 includes the safety device on your rice cooker and B
63 G 11/00 covers your various aircraft carriers.

The IPC system is fully described in these published directories:
The Official Catchword Index by World Intellectual Property
International Patent Classification: Guide, Survey of Classes & Summary
of Main Groups
International Patent Classification: Section G - Physics
International Patent Classification: Guide

Thanks to the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO), these
full documents are online. We now have direct access to the
International Patent Classification (7th Edition): Official Catchword
Index, Guide to the IPC, and the complete Class and Section books.

Note: The International Patent Classification includes plenty of
internal references - indicating this group is similar to another
group; motorized boats take precedence over boat function. These
internal references are important to effectively searching databases.
There is more to the IPC, and we strongly recommend you read the
Introductory Manual to the International Patent Classification (IPC)
found on the WIPO website.

US Patent Classification
US Patents are classified with 400+ main classes and thousands of
subclasses. Sound similar to the International Patent Classification?
It is. US patents are numbered sequentially.

This means you can find US patents:
- by full text searching through the USPTO database CASSIS (found at US
patent libraries),
- by bibliographic & abstract text searching online through the USPTO
or IBM Patent Library,
- by US Patent number by US Patent Classification class & subclass - to
list similar patents by an effective combination search
- by the searching recent notices in the Official Gazette... available

The USPTO allows you to search or browse the US Manual of
Classification online. The Internet Patent Search System lets you to
browse US Patent titles by class/subclass.

A little more information can be found with the Patent Guide to using
CASSIS, at the University of Michigan.

Patent Search Strategies
Here are the avenues open to you:
1_ Full text search and retrieval through a commercial database.
2_ Free bibliographic & abstract searching online followed by selective
patent perusal/ordering.
3_ Paging manually through the relevant official gazette (the US
gazette is searchable).
4_ Retrieval of the titles & abstracts within appropriate
class/subclass then selective review and patent perusal/ordering.

This last avenue is particularly resourceful and swift. Start by
reaching for The Official Catchword Index, a book by World Intellectual
Property Organization (WIPO). This will tell you the possible
class/subclasses that will interest you. You could word-search a patent
database and note all the class/subclasses found. Lastly, you can
always reach for the three separate printed guides that lead you from
section to subclass.

The result should be a collection of class/subclasses that may interest

With this information, you can now browse all the patents in the
class/subclass. This process will help you locate all the patents that
may interest you since patent classification is more reliable than free
text search. (Note, both British and American spelling appears in
patent databases.) This also allows you to quickly review the patents
in other countries.

If you are undertaking a novelty search - is a patent sufficiently
unique from other existing patents - then you must review more than one
country. There can be a significant delay before patent applications
reach other countries without affecting the protection. Case in point:
Australia only accounts for 7% of the world's patents.

Further Search Strategy
Patent search strategy is further discussed in the Introductory Manual
to the International Patent Classification (IPC) found on the WIPO
website. You may also wish to reach "Searching for Patents"
(http://www.ummu.umich.edu/library/PTO/newpatsearch.html) from the
University of Michigan, and "Patents" by Simon Fraser University
Libraries (http://www.lib.sfu.ca/kiosk/nelles/patents.htm).

- - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Trademark law is designed to protect consumers from confusion. The law
can work to protect business investment in brands & slogans, but only
if the business behaves in particular ways which protect consumers from
confusion: actively using the trademark, working to restrict the
trademark from becoming generic, routinely searching for unauthorized
use. For a very clear description of trademark use, and the
responsibilities of trademark owners, read the short webpages A Guide
to Proper Trademark Use, and How are Marks Protected both by Gregory

Trademark Law has implications for searching: Just because a
potentially conflicting trademark has been found does not mean it
should concern you. It may be simple to show or argue that trademark
ownership has lapsed and become abandoned unintentionally.

A common law search involves searching records other than the federal
register and pending application records. It may involve checking phone
directories, yellow pages, industrial directories, state trademark
registers, among others, in an effort to determine if a particular mark
is used by others when they have not filed for a federal trademark

The system may appear particularly legalistic, and it is. Recent
Australian Trade Marks Office Decisions
information ultimately supplied by IP Australia, displays this vividly.
However, much trademark activity is self-evident. In Australia, A$350
and a minimum of seven and a half months will usually earn you a
registered trademark. Should you choose a trademark and find another
has used it, you will most likely receive a 'cease & desist' letter and
forfeit the value you may have invested in the trademark.

This leads us to the importance of commercial trademark databases,
watching services and other commercial services. Searching both
prevents investment in an unusable trademark and inadvertent
infringement by others - a responsibility of trademark owners.

Trademark Classification
A concise list of the 42 classes of the International Trademark
Classification codes courtesy of Master-McNeil Inc. WIPO is in charge
of the full class description, currently The 7th edition of the Nice
Classification, but this is rather lengthy. IP Australia has a simple
search feature of classification terminology.

Trademarks are assigned to a particular class of product or service. A
slogan or mark, for example, could be registered for use in movies but
not computer products. The situation has changes recently but let us
explain the difference down the page a bit.

Originally, all goods and services were broken down into 42 classes.
These classes are international divisions organized by WIPO (World
Intellectual Property Organization), so are the same from country to
country. Registered trademark documents will explain at length the
types of products & services covered by a particular trademark.

There is some bleeding between categories, and trademark examiners are
unlikely to grant requests for nearly identical trademarks in similar
categories, but class plays a role in granting trademarks.

Recently it became necessary to list specifically the products or
services to be covered, and the 42 classes have been expanded to a
collection of specific sub-classes, which is reminiscent of patent
classification, but far less useful.

Class is important as trademarks are class-specific. You can search by
class in certain registered trademark databases, but this is not
particularly a good search technique: you are far too likely to miss a
comparable trademark.

Trademark Picture Descriptors
Search Image Descriptors, by IP Australia, here abbreviated, needs
basic words - simple like bird or butterfly.

One difficulty with trademark searches is that all the tools apply best
to words which appear in trademarks. What of the picture? The solution
appears to be image descriptors. I am uncertain of the international
nature of image descriptors, but at least in Australia, there is a
standard set of image descriptors. IP Australia allows you to search
for other trademarks with a particular picture element - irrespective
of the words involved. But to do this, you must first select the
appropriate image descriptor.

Trademarks are just one element of intellectual property rights;
patents, copyright, industrial design rights, circuit layout rights and
plant breeders rights. As certain registered trademark databases are
free online, some trademark research can be accomplished quite simply
by the novice.

Why search?
1_ To find existing trademarks similar to one you plan to register.
2_ To find existing trademarks similar to one you plan to use as a
3_ To see if a trademark is similar to a business name you consider
4_ To search for possible infringing trademarks.

This is further explained in this help file by IP Australia.

Further Assistance
Misc.int-property has a lively usenet discussion on Intellectual
Property. Access the newsgroup directly: misc.int-property or search
the past discussion through Deja.com's usenet archive).

For a lively discussion of how trademark law affects internet domain
names, consider the trademarks-l mailing list at Washburn University
(read the Scout Report description

- - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Industry Classification
Lastly, we have not yet researched the categorization of industries
using standard SIC or NAICS codes. In simple terms though, all
industries are given a specific code. Sub-industry is given a more
specific code. More and more specific codes refer to the production of
more and more specific items. Of course, some companies will be
involved in a collection of industries.

Two competing standards, the SIC and NAICS, have different codes but
the same coding system. Each code system can be mapped on the other, so
will cause you no undue concern. Trade statistics, digital business
directories, and national statistical bureau industry data will all use
the industry codes.

Information Quality.
Section 8

Information has value. It also has other qualities that will assist you
to judge information you may consider buying.

Accuracy: the factual nature of the information presented. If the
statistics purport to show a particular trend - how large is the margin
of error? How large is the sample size? How likely are there to have
been factual errors in their development? The measurement of
statistical error is now a refined science in some fields. A
statistical result can be inaccurate when the sample size is too small,
if the margin of error is too large, the sample collection procedure
incorrect, or a number of other situations.

Reliability: the support for trusting the solutions, both from
additional resources and from being able to duplicate the conclusions.
This includes the reputation of the researchers. No matter how
inaccurate and biased you may believe certain facts to be, successful
independent support of a suggested fact does improve its value.

Bias: conscious or subconscious influences that affect information.
Bias can occur in collection, preparation and presentation of
information. Most information you find will be tainted. Secondary
information is deeply affected. Statistics are not necessarily less

We counter bias in several ways. Firstly, we try to be aware of bias.
Where is bias likely? Which direction would the bias affect the
information? Secondly, we try to collect information with different
bias. This is why research based solely on government research, no
matter how accurate and reliable, is less valuable. Often information
from different countries can counter bias. Thirdly, we need to accept
bias is likely to exist. This is why primary sources are often more
valuable than secondary sources. This is why tertiary sources, like
experts, can rarely stand alone.

Age: The date information was created or compiled will feature
prominently in the value of information. Dates given sometimes mean the
date information was created, or the date information was compiled. How
old is a book compiled in 1995, which took the author 10 years to
finish? I find statistics often forecast information, prominently
displaying recent compilation dates but still use old census data or
the like to draw their conclusions. Information on the internet
typically has no date, and can be severely challenged because of this.

Purpose: purpose merits further discussion. When you are uncertain
about potential bias, you can look for reasons to distrust the
information instead. Suspicion is not equivalent to bias, but it can be
thought provoking. Privately, I have heard repeated rumours important
national statistics have been fudged in different countries. A
government research report investigating the price of books in
Australia would have a political purpose, a purpose that provides the
climate for some potentially significant bias. A tell-all book by
industry experts often includes a tremendous quality of insider
experience difficult to find elsewhere. While there may be a purpose of
self-aggrandizement, the purpose is less a climate for significant
bias. Medical research has perhaps the greatest climate for significant
bias, and this suggests the greatest standard of proof and external,
reliable support.

Accuracy, reliability, bias, age and purpose are very important in
research. This is what leads us to an appraisal of value. For years,
the tobacco industry funded 'independent' research finding smoking
minimally harmful to health. It is now likely there may have been
errors brought on by accuracy, and bias. Certainly, purpose was in
doubt. As new studies show smoking is harmful, we can also say the
original research lacked reliability. In some topics, like the
internet, research is perpetually suspect because it also ages so

I have seen further discussions that add 'Coverage' and 'Authority' to
this checklist. Both have bearing on the value of the information
contained. By coverage, we mean how much detail is invested in covering
a specific topic. Sparse or shallow coverage is closely tied to missing
critical aspects of information. News stories frequently have limited

Once you are acclimatized to these elements, you begin to see potential
for error in a whole range of information. Real-estate association
figures, expert opinions, Toothpaste advertisements and National GDP
figures all occasionally display some degree of warping and
manipulation, clouding the truth. The solution is awareness, comparison
and careful analysis. As a personal aside, this is part of the reason
for my personal dislike for market research: it is often taken far more
seriously than warranted and mean far less than suggested.
This document continues as Part 6/6
Copyright (c) 1998-2001 by David Novak, all rights reserved. This FAQ
may be posted to any USENET newsgroup, on-line service, website, or BBS
as long as it is posted unaltered in its entirety including this
copyright statement. This FAQ may not be included in commercial
collections or compilations without express permission from the author.
Please send permission requests to ***@spireproject.com
David Novak
2010-10-15 04:22:54 UTC
Archive-name: internet/info-research-faq/part6
Posting-Frequency: monthly
Last-modified: April 2002
URL: http://spireproject.com
Copyright: (c) 2001 David Novak
Maintainer: David Novak <***@spireproject.com>

Information Research FAQ (Part 6/6)

100 pages of search techniques, tactics and theory
by David Novak of the Spire Project (SpireProject.com)

Welcome. This FAQ addresses information literacy; the skills, tools and
theory of information research. Particular attention is paid to the
role of the internet as both a reservoir and gateway to information

The FAQ is written like a book, with a narrative and pictures. You have
found your way to part five, so do backtrack to the beginning. If you
are lost, this FAQ always resides as text at
http://spireproject.com/faq.txt and http://spireproject.co.uk/faq.txt
and with pictures at http://spireproject.com/faq.htm

*** The Spire Project also includes a 3 hour public seminar titled
*** Exceptional Internet Research. This is a fast paced seminar
*** supported with a great deal of webbing, reaching to skills and
*** research concepts beyond the ground covered on our website and
*** this FAQ. http://spireproject.com/seminar.htm has a synopsis.
*** I am in Europe, seminaring in Ireland and Europe though I
*** will be returning to the US shortly, and South Australia for
*** a seminar this October.

David Novak - ***@spireproject.com
The Spire Project : SpireProject.com and SpireProject.co.uk

Searching as Industry.
Section 9

Of interest to you now, the internet offers you a very good look at the
information industry. Most organizations involved in the information
industry publish exhaustive product descriptions on the net. Most
commercial products are delivered electronically.

Professional Search Resources

As a profession, researchers have diverse skills and needs. Constantly
working with information, in a competitive market, professional
information seekers are often starved for high quality information
about new research techniques, skills and sources. This can be found
through discussion groups like BusLib-l, websites on library science
like LisNews.com, associations like the Association of Independent
Information Professional (AIIP) and the Society of Competitive
Professionals (SCIP), events and conferences as listed in the journal
Online & CDROM Review.

As a more introductory resources, start with the a selection of books
and webpages like:
- The Intelligence Cycle[1], courtesy of the CIA library - a
single-page summary of the research process.

- The Information Broker's Handbook by Sue Rugge and Alfred
Glossbrenner, McGraw-Hill. Third Edition (1997) - a must-read for those
interested in the business side of information research.

- Secrets of the Super Searchers by Reva Basch. Unfortunately a 1993
book, but unique as a look into the field of information brokers.
Published by Eight Bit Books. (Dewey 025.524 BAS)

- Online is a good bimonthly magazine for information brokers. (Dewey

There are a number of interesting periodicals, most owned and marketed
by Information Today Inc. BUBL lists a number more [2]. Others are
electronic publications, like LIBRES [3]: Library and Information
Science Research Electronic Journal, a biannual scholarly journal and
Information Research [4].

The commercial databases of interest are LISA (Library and Information
Science Abstracts), ALISA (Australian LISA), Information Science and
Library Literature.

The links for these resources and more are on the Spire Project at

[1] http://www.odci.gov/cia/publications/facttell/intcycle.htm
[2] http://bubl.ac.uk/journals/lis
[3] http://aztec.lib.utk.edu/libres/
[4] http://www.shef.ac.uk/~is/publications/infres/ircont.html

- - - - - - - - - - - - - -

The Professional Search

Professional research demands a more effective, timely use of resources
at hand. It is challenging, and it is an occupation.

Unlike research undertaken for your own needs, professional researchers
often know little about the topic they are asked to investigate. We may
not know the phrases which accurately describe a specific concept, we
sometimes don't recognize gold if its labeled copper, but we have to do
everything fast - lest the cost escalate above the expectation of the

Client? Yes, professional research starts with the client.

Professional research involves far less book and library work, and far
more interviewing, database access and online article purchasing. When
money is involved, time becomes very precious. The first luxury lost:
the luxury to get to know the topic in leisurely detail.

Instead, professional research starts with a careful description of
exactly what information is desired (and why). You must quickly build a
good plan about who you will ask and where you will look. This is,
after all, your primary skill others have great difficulty in
duplicating - traversing the information sphere swiftly and skillfully.

Many researchers today can search databases. Most researchers are
familiar with library work. Personal research has the added benefit of
being part of the learning process. So why reach for a professional?

The first unique skill we must refine is our knowledge of the research
tools. Computer databases may be easily accessible, but are not easy to
search. Interviewing is conceptually simple, but is not simple in
practice. Each aspect of research can and must be refined.

The second unique skill: interpretation. Working with information
frequently allows us to better judge the reliability and bias of the
information we retrieve.

Most information you find will be tainted. Secondary expertise almost
always present information in a biased way. You will counter this bias
both by being aware of the bias and by interviewing someone with a
different view. An inventor proclaims a devise in near completion - do
we believe? Obviously it requires further study. This is often lost on
amateur researchers - by collecting information from a variety of
different resources, with a range of bias, we can create a superior
assessment of the value of each item of information. Research based
solely on government research, no matter how well done, is

The third unique skill is speed. We must be able to provide research as
a service, as a business, quickly. This goes beyond research to the
banal work of copyright and legal protection, selecting effective
research tools, finding fast expertise to supplement your own.

The skills of professional research are like the artist. They take a
lifetime to learn. The work is just business.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - -

The Database Industry

The commercial information sphere existed in the 1970's and earlier. It
is far more developed, far better organized, far better funded, almost
always far more valuable and expensive than every other research

For the most part, commercial information is arranged reasonably
uniformly in large databases of full-text or bibliographic information.
Some databases are small, single source documents, while others are
vast unfocused collections of, for example, all the news from the last
15 years.

Most directories and journals can be made into a database, but
single-source databases do not enjoy much financial success. The market
is too limited and the cost of promotion too high (except in a local
market with newspapers). To overcome this difficulty, single sources
are grouped together into larger collections of databases on a
particular topic. These large database groups have become primary tools
in commercial research.

Developing these databases requires considerable expertise and expense.
Sometimes data requires abstracting, interpreting, and as with some
Lexis-Nexis and WestLaw databases, even expert legal interpretation.
Sometimes firms develop a portfolio of databases. Sometimes firms build
just one.

The marketing and consumer billing of such databases is then provided
by a relatively small collection of large database retailers. A list
can be found in our "Commercial Databases" article. As an indication of
the size of this market, Knight-Ridder sold Dialog & Datastar for a
figure approaching half a billion dollars.

This industry consisting of a wide collection of players, each
improving and developing the information from individual periodicals,
journals, news items - all very confusing for the end user. This is
elegantly illustrated by the database descriptions for Lexis-Nexis
databases (their preferred term is libraries). See
http://www.lexis-nexis.com/lncc/sources/ as an example of specific
databases. In particular, see their library on patents.

Many single-sources appear in different commercial databases. Further,
different databases sometimes include different information from the
same single-source. One database may include just abstracts, another
may include fulltext, chemical indexing and more.

As a result, most researchers are unfamiliar with what exactly is being

This state of affairs is not unproductive. Searching a 'Database about
Patents', is uncomplicated. You receive information on patents. It is
simple, informative and incomplete. Of course, researchers are busy
people. Time is critical. Results matter. We are familiar with this
system from searching the web too. Just what are the differences
between All-the-Web, Lycos and Altavista? If we fully understood the
complexities of each available database, yet still have a few databases
to consider - would our search be better? Often not. This system of
incomplete information also leads to great customer loyalty to database
retailers. Comparative information is dropped in favour of simplicity.
Ultimately, I am hard pressed to compare prices let alone describe the
differences between information products.

Prices actually model many a developed industry, remarkably similar to
the telephone or banking industry. As one friend commented, "bullshit
baffles the brains". The prices are complex on purpose. It becomes very
unrewarding to compare prices, and any conclusions are only valid in
specific circumstances - and will not hold in others. This trend,
familiar to us as a multitude of banking changes and telephone pricing
schedules, reinforces our need to stop price hunting and trust our
favoured information retailers.

This is not to say we should not compare prices, just that you will
find comparing prices a most unrewarding experience. It really requires
you to search and retrieve the same information on different systems -
and this does not even begin to touch different databases, or database
groupings, or variables that change over time like download speeds.

Optimistically, there are actually very few important databases in each
field. It may be simple to browse each of the databases in your field
and compare directly. You may never need to know more than a few
databases intimately.

Realistically, you will yearn for a simpler solution.

The commercial information industry has distributed information this
way for several decades. It is both sophisticated and quite difficult.
You will need to become experienced with inverted indexes, search
techniques (Boolean, truncation, proximity, field limits ...) and
properly phrasing the question in a way that will be answered by a
database search. I have always found the value of a database search
directly proportional to the length of the search query.

If you are incompletely skilled at database research, you will take
longer, pay more and locate far more information (or unwisely discard
more) than desired.

This is very different from searching Altavista and Webcrawler.

Doing your own research offers an opportunity to more closely influence
the research process. Sometimes only you understand the topic and
sometimes you can more quickly discard unimportant details. Certainly
it is becoming simpler to undertake some work yourself.

Many of the commercial databases are also available in a CD format.
Substantial subscription costs limit their availability to large
research institutions and libraries, but exceptions exist. I believe
world books in print costs AU$5000+. Provided you can find casual
access, it will cost you far less. Keep an eye on the age, though.
Sometimes (and only sometimes) online information is more recent.

The decision between undertaking research on your own or seeking
external help is really a decision based on your research expertise,
your budget, your access to information, your time, and the importance
of finding all the information available. It also depends on your
access to some decent research assistance. I will soon be able to help
with this.

What I do know is a newcomer to the commercial information sphere will
seriously underestimate the difficulty involved in searching, and
underestimate both the cost of research and the cost of research
assistance. Keep in mind this same system serves the needs of large
commercial conglomerates, professional legal research, and well
financed government studies. The commercial information sphere contains
far more valuable information than you need. Sometimes the internet is
just an interesting sneeze in comparison.

€ Article: The State of Databases Today:2000 by Martha E Williams,
tracts the development of this industry with survey results. Found as
the foreword of the Gale Directory of Databases.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Squeezing the Info-Broker

I was reading an interesting article by Anthea Statigos in ONLINE [1]
that stirred me to thinking about the future of Information Brokerage.
The article in question outlined the shift of information brokers into
the marketing department, towards new roles in negotiating information
access licenses, helping people understand and select appropriate
resources - and oddly, in overseeing the intranet development process
so as to deliver the information people need.

The article premise is rather accurate - as far as it goes. But I
wonder if the true message behind this shift is the decline and death
of information brokering as a profession? If information brokers (also
known as information professionals) are moving to new roles, are they
vacating the old roles, the traditional roles in the research process?

In my library, I reach for the Information Broker's Handbook [2] for a
relevant quote:

"The heart and soul of the information broker's job is information
retrieval. But many individuals offer information organization services
as well."

So, Information Retrieval, and Information Organization. Anyone who has
seen the simple information retrieval options incorporated in recent
information packages can be in no mind that the information retailing
industry is certainly minimizing the need to reach for an intermediary.
Technology is certainly closing the gap - but this development has
always been in the cards.

A central difficulty for information brokers is a simple maxim: provide
better results than clients doing the search themselves. Often working
in unfamiliar territory, a researcher may find it very difficult to
excel. There are two dilemmas here. Firstly, while we may pride
ourselves in accomplishing unique requests, we have expensive costs
associated with one-off searches. There is little likelihood someone
else will ask a similar question. There are simply no possible
economies of scale.

Secondly, our search difficulty is not shared by the client. The client
has difficulty with the technology - certainly. The client does not
have difficulty with recognizing the wheat from the chaff, the gold
embedded in the articles and at a basic level, the search words you
will need to get to the right stuff.

There is a very good reason why university students are pushed to learn
basic and sophisticated search technologies.

There is another take on this story.

Creating Value in the Network Economy [3] includes a chapter by Philip
Evans and Thomas Wurster.

"emerging open standards and the explosion in the number of people and
organizations connected by networks are freeing information from the
channels that have been required to exchange it, making those channels
unnecessary or uneconomical."

"Newspapers and banking are not special cases. The value chains of
scores of other industries will become ripe for unbundling. The logic
is most compelling - and therefore likely to strike soonest - in
information businesses ... All it will take to deconstruct a business
is a competitor that focuses on the vulnerable sliver of information in
its value chain."

And in the back of my mind comes the thoughts that maybe the
information retrieval function we have been providing is just one such
information business. This business, attempting to be the pinnacle of
the research process, is ripe for unbundling. Not only can our function
be incorporated directly into the advertising and technology of the
information resources we use, but our skill can also be coded into
simpler and simpler guides and resources like my work on the Spire

Perhaps as an industry we never managed to secure our captive market.

Initially, this will affect that mainstay of information brokerage:
commercial database retrieval. And like the newspapers that will begin
lose the profit center of classified advertising (ripe for unbundling
and delivered electronically,) additional pressure will be applied to
the business of providing information research services.

Eventually, we retreat to other areas as information professionals:
Information Organization, Research Education and Training.

Somewhere in amidst this story lies a new role for researchers. The
need for research certainly exists and is forecast to grow dramatically
as the information age develops. What is lost, sadly, is an
understanding of the ease at which this work will be done. This is
certainly destined to move away from being an industry for
professionals working at $50/hr to $150/hr + costs! Others can provide
this work, easier than now. People we will most likely call researchers
- and not information brokers.

This is more than a push towards specialization. There is another way
to see this transformation. The information broker was a retail point
for wholesalers who are now firmly selling directly to the consumer.
There is much less of a need for an intermediary between database
retailers and information consumers - and there is a firm trend in this

Information brokers defined their role in the information industry as
masters of the difficult technology of research, capable of finding
most anything. Come to us when you are lost and we will find the
answers - for a price. We know the technology, the meta-resources, the
tricks used to find information. We routinely retrieve a higher quality
of information, far faster, than you can yourself. The standard model:
a library run service offering primarily database search & retrieval
for their patrons.

This business model is coming to an end.

Yes, perhaps the information broker is dead. Soon to be replaced with
low-wage researchers and research assistants, and high-end information
executives and research trainers. Like it or not, most of us will
incorporate a little more research into our current work, and reach for
a little more intelligible research resources. Everything else will be
accomplished by true specialists.

[1] Online (a periodical with some coverage of library & information
research. July/August 1999 p71-73, by Anthea Statigos of Outsell Inc.
[2] The Information Brokers Handbook p.21, by Sue Rugge and Alfred
Glossbrenner. Windcrest/McGraw-Hill. 1992.
[3]Creating Value in the Network Economy, Edited by Don Tapscott.
Chapter 2: Strategy and the New Economics of Information by Philip
Evans & Thomas Wurster. p.18 & 25. A Harvard Business Review Book.

Information Theory.
Section 10

The Information Service Industry
Private Detectives, Professional Database Researchers, Library
Researchers, Legal Researchers, Commercial Database Producers,
Commercial Database Retailers, Magazines, News Organizations,
Libraries, this is a big industry. Information Research is just a
process linking together people seeking information with people who
provide it.

It seems in vogue to reconsider all businesses as being in the
information business. My accountant and your stockbroker both provide
information services. While I agree these two professions are intensive
users of information, I purchase their interpretation of information.
It is not a trivial difference but nonetheless serves to cloud the true
size of the industry just involved in selling you access to

From university days, I was aware of the large commercial database
retail giants (Dialog, Dun&Bradstreet) and the database producers. I
also met with some of the firms distributing largely to the library
market (like SilverPlatter). Little further information about these
businesses leaks beyond the research industry.

Some of the businesses are aimed primarily towards the library
community. Database subscriptions are unlikely to interest an
individual. Few are appropriate to businesses. Let us briefly scan just
the products and services intended for a consumer.

Commercial Database Retailers - These organizations devote their effort
at bringing commercial database information to individuals. Dialog,
Datastar, Infomart, Lexis-Nexis and others will assist you to access
information only available through commercial databases. (See our
article, "Commercial Databases".)

Current News and Current Awareness - If you want to know of new
articles and news important to you as it is reported, then there are a
selection of services available: news by email, news by newsgroup, news
by periodic automated database search, and other novel approaches.
Costs for this service have fallen dramatically: effective solutions
start at about US$10/month and are not strictly dependent on range &
quality of information. (See our article, "Newswires & News

Information Brokers - There is a whole industry of specialized
researchers who will try to locate and compile research to your
specifications. The backbone of this industry is payment for access to
commercial databases, but different information brokers will gladly
enter into any effort required to locate information. Information
brokers, business librarians, legal researchers and others all use the
tools described in this website, as a service for their clientele. (See
our article, "Research as a Discipline".)

Patent Assistance - Patent searching is one of the more difficult
branches of serious research. Some of the resources are free on the
internet, and commercial patent databases are readily available through
the database retailers. If there is serious money at stake, you must
consider legal assistance. Certainly use lawyers for patent
applications (beyond the scope of the Spire Project). But a patent can
also be a research tool. Patent research can provide you with what is
often the first appearance of costly commercial research. This is both
a source of cutting edge solutions and competitive intelligence.

Media Monitoring - Certain firms solely focus on monitoring TV, radio &
newspapers. These firms typically run teams who page through newspapers
looking for matching articles, then post or fax to the client. New
technologies are also advancing into this field.

Document Delivery - Most local bookstores will gladly help you locate a
book from their directories but if you want a book from abroad, or an
article from a journal or magazine, you will need the assistance of
another set of information workers. A distinct but similar approach
assists with the distribution of journal articles. Many of the document
delivery firms are closely tied to information organizations. Little
information is available about these organizations.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Trends in the Information Sphere
For the past few years, individual database owners/maintainers have
been flirting with the idea of making paid access available through the
internet, rather than the existing system of allowing database
retailing firms to promote and market their databases. I have heard
rumours most database producers earn up to 30% of retail price when
delivered through database retailers - 70% being retained by the
database retailer.

The internet is not a commercially viable alternative...yet, but some
databases have emerged with alternative funding despite this (Library
of Congress, ERIC, Medline). Others are creeping in around the edges by
offering subscribers access at a much reduced flat annual fee (Computer
Select at one time). I expect most database producers are waiting for a
meaningful way to charge. Digital money holds the key but despite the
hype, practical use appears to be a medium to long-term reality.

A second trend is internet publishing itself. Gradually, the
information is getting easier to locate. (Don't laugh please - its
undignified.) We are also getting better at using the internet as a
tool to disseminate information. We have the very visible, if perhaps
short-lived, search engines but also other efforts like archives of
FAQs, archives of guidebooks, applying the Dewey decimal system to the
internet, specialist directories, subject guides, specialist search
engines. This will be a lively field for several years to come. As it
gets easier to locate the good information, perhaps the lines between
commercial quality and internet quality will begin to merge in places.

The third trend is the very promising prospect of paying for
information by the page through the internet - viewing the results in a
web page immediately. There are some technical hurdles yet, but certain
elements are already appearing in ventures like DialogWeb. This step
may prove profitable for ATM vendors and owners of internet cafes, pubs
and kiosks. It will also herald a dramatic drop in the cost of

- - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Are We Developing an Informative Internet?
Several serious glitches have delayed the further improvement of the
internet as an effective information resource. Oh, sure it is the
world's largest library and thousands of new webpages are published
every hour. But this trite statement disguises how slow the informative
value of the internet is developing.

The internet holds so very much promise. Marketing mantras tell us so,
but few of us grasp this technology will completely rewrite the rules
of community, government and the exchange of intellectually valuable

One of the hurdles is vision. We are not yet delivering the information
pertaining to community, government and the exchange of intellectually
valuable (improved) information. We are only proceeding quickly with
market information and computer-related information. We are still
toying with further ways the internet can transform other areas of our

We should have achieved more by now.

The net is still very disorganized. A number of developments promise to
eventually make the internet less confusing and better organized. To
date, we have several cumbersome techniques, a large collection of
search tools and a great deal of potentially interesting links.

As mentioned, thinking about who is publishing assists us with our
search. Applying this to where information is emerging - and we learn
much of the best information is not reaching the internet. Certainly,
the commercially generated information is not reaching the internet
(covered below). The large research studies paid for by public funds
and slowly aging on the shelves of government and non-government
organizations are also not coming online. Government, institutional and
commercial organizations primarily publish brochure-ware - as befitting
the presentation of market information. (Even offering to publish such
documents freely does not appreciably affect this trend as the
restrictions are not financial, but mindset. See our past work.)

We should recognize few of the more valuable documents emerge online.

Further Reading: Socially Responsible Publishing on the Internet ('97)
(Available on request)
A Census of Regionally Important Documents on the Web ('96)
(Available on request)

The internet excites me with the promise of a real community rebirth
arising from this technology. For the first time in history we should
be able to discuss in an informed manner any number of issues from
crime to taxation. Tied into this are issues of government
transparency, international assistance, anti-corporate market reform
and community involvement. Unfortunately, my experience with mailing
lists and more recently with a newsgroup confirm the difficulties in
developing discussion. Discussion groups function as notice board.
Unfortunately, the difficulty in developing participation, and in
moderation, are just a little too cumbersome to be successful. For many
discussion groups, the chaff overwhelms the wheat, and the information
content is far from considerable.

The financial rewards are also minimal for establishing and maintaining
discussion groups. Dramatic improvement to the informative value of the
internet is unlikely to emerge here.

Further Reading: How to build a discussion on the Internet (by David
Novak - available on request.

We have alluded to the importance of editorial and organization on the
internet. There are several severe limitations to this - first and
foremost the difficulty in gathering financial rewards for meaningful
work improving and organizing information.

I am being circumspect here. There is money available - just not where
it is needed. The most important resources in professional research are
the contents of the commercial information sphere. This sphere existed
decades before the internet, is far better funded, and is far larger.
To compare commercial and internet information is almost heresy. A
bridge between these two, internet and commercial, emerges slowly.

Digital money should grease the exchange of information by dropping the
cost of exchange considerably. Today, credit cards provide this
service. This works, at times, but digital money would allow for small
amounts of money to change hands. This appears to be a critical
threshold for bringing much of the commercial information to the net.

About 5 years ago I was introduced to the Thesius Model - an economic
model to pay the intellectual investment in publishing and organizing
interactive multimedia. Years earlier there was Xanadu. While I have
serious reservations about both, they do illustrate the intellectual
foundations for effective use of a tool for exchanging small amounts of
money. It opens the doors to direct delivery of copyright work - which
in turn opens an effective economic model for publishing improved
information on the internet.

Without digital money, proprietary information can only be exchanged
digitally by gift (that is free - the initial driving force of the
internet information sphere, or by credit-card purchase of access to
passwords to external networks - the current method of accessing
database retailers.

This has the unfortunate effect of limiting the interest both of
internet users in the commercial information sphere and the commercial
information retailers in the internet. Oh, there is movement in both
directions, but not at the scale experienced in other industries.

Further Reading: The UWA Theseus Project
The Xanadu project (http://www.xanadu.com or concise summary -

- - - - - - - - - - - - - -

A Look at Information Congestion
Finding information on the internet is a skill. Finding information on
the commercial information sphere is also a skill. There is a great
degree of overlap. The awareness of the general public as measured by
use of commercial resources is very limited. This is further seen from
the simple use of search engines & the abundance of simple web search.

To hammer this point in, let's take a momentary look at search engines.
Most searches end in 1000's of results: here are the first 10. Do you
really think the first 10 or 20 or 100 sites listed are particularly
better than the next? No - you have a random selection of resources. A
selection generated by computer based on the most simple of criterion.
(We should also mention how some search engines sell placement in
search results).

Remarkably, the search engine is the much-vaulted entryway to the world
of information!?! Clearly search engines will not dramatically improve
the informative value of the net - not by themselves.

Multiplication of Information
One complication of poor information organization is an inflation of
information overlapping nuggets. Information on the internet is so
difficult to locate we have almost a continual need for more
publishing. Information must exist in numerous locations to reach an
intended audience. Promotion of the simplest nature - recognition for
the best for a given topic - becomes exceedingly difficult. Only when
20 sites publish or report a given fact does it become accessible.

Curiously, this is the state of affairs in the wider community.
Promotion is an expensive specialty. Numerous copies, distributors and
references are required to generate any kind of significant awareness.
Why should the internet be different?

Actually, why should the internet be the same? Definitive like the US
Census Bureau have no need to duplicate this information; to have
alternative presentation sites. Yet such sites appear the exception.
Consider a search for the best resources for patent research, we are
greeted with 954 websites (Altavista search for "patent research"
Jan-19-2001). Presumably, most of these sites discuss patent research -
Right? There is no technical or theoretical need for such confusion. I
wonder if such duplication may be more of an affliction than natural

It is relatively difficult to earn money from publishing improved
information, or organizing information already on the internet. Given
the intense interest in this technology, a collection of models have
emerged. A brief tour of these models will highlight the financial
limitations to improving the internet as an informative resource.

- - - Working for fame (but not payment)
This model works well in open source software programming, and some of
this ethic certainly extends to publishing information.
Simple altruism/complete lack of justification
School students and internet novices in particular may not need to
justify anything. Unfortunately, such work is usually neither
consistent nor persistent.
- - - Commercial promotion
Promotional funds can be used to publish information. Most promotion is
short-sighted, limited to presenting market information (like product
information), but in time government and associations will fund
publishing in-house information for purely promotional reasons.
- - - Invested commercial businesses
There are certain commercial opportunities to earn money through banner
advertising and sponsorship.

Direct payment for improved information (perhaps with digital money),
direct payment to authors (Theseus model, royalty systems), and direct
state sponsorship need not be necessary to fundamentally improve the
internet as an information resource. Academic peer-reviewed journals do
not pay for articles. Commercial periodicals are supported by
advertising, and the token subscription costs of magazines usually just
covers distribution costs. Fame motivates many efforts, not just
online, and we do not feel the need to habitually justify everything we

In no small way, as more people become adept at publishing quickly,
important information will move on the net faster. Similarly,
information will also gradually become better organized. Economic
models will not improve the informative value of the internet like
direct payment. Most current limitations have economic solutions.
Unfortunately, my reasoned opinion is no economic system will arrive in
time to make a difference.

We know something of how information gets published, and how many
important documents do not reach the internet. We have described how
information is organized on the internet and how limited editorial
vetting and organization have given rise to certain traits which give
rise to the traits like superficial indexing, information duplication,
and a need for research skills.

Financial rewards and financial tools are unlikely to solve these
difficulties. We can only hope for a gradual growing out of our current
difficulties. We will have more of the same for several years to come.
It is simply the nature of the internet (as currently constructed).

For you, a greater understanding of the internet will assist you to
judge the worth, likely source and likely venues of the information you
seek. The same is true in the larger world... database, book & article.
Each has different traits and qualities, reinforced over time. Your
understanding of these traits and qualities in part defines your skill
as a researcher.

As to the future of the internet, on the positive side, there are
certain qualities to internet communication that make it uniquely
valuable. Internet communication is inexpensive, relatively rapid, and
increasingly accessible. On the negative side, the internet is badly
vetted, potentially very time consuming, and up against very well
entrenched systems that have been running for either decades or
millenniums (considering databases or books). Elements like a promised
but functionally absent digital money, and the lack of a meaningful way
to recoup the costs of vetting online information, make matters worse.
Despite this, despite ALL the teething and fundamental difficulties,
the internet is sufficiently superior to ensure considerable continued
effort to improve the informative value of the net.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - -

The Multiplication of Information Effect.
Just as the internet permits a multitude of voices and perspectives, so
it permits - and promotes - a multitude of the same information. Yes.
For a several reasons we shall explore first, the internet multiplies
the amount of information there is on a topic. This insight can be used
to improve searching for information, as I will show at the end of this

The internet is a system of communication. Like all other systems
(books, articles) the internet systems affect the way we communicate in
different ways. The absolute number of books depends on what is thought
can be commercially viable. We could say books permit, and promote a
limited number of books on the same topic.

The internet does the opposite.

The sheer ease of publishing information on the net is one factor in
information overkill. The net is an easy place to publish information,
requiring only individual effort. There is no budgetary concerns, nor
does attracting an audience initially enter into the publishing
process, as they would with articles or books.

The ageless state of the internet also rapidly builds information. Old
information is not removed from the web automatically as in mailing
lists. Old books go out of print and past magazine articles are
shelved, indexed and categorized so we must intentionally include them
in our search. The web is not built this way, and information well past
its natural expiry date remains.

A dramatic change is also occurring as our society becomes digital. In
the pre-internet economy experts and specialists in every field are
distributed to meet needs. In the networked world, expertise is not
only shared more rapidly, but is required in less places - whether we
speak geographically or intellectually. Said another way, in
cyberspace, competition for expertise is most fierce. To be an expert,
you need to be more expert than others within reach - and since
gradually more and more experts are within reach - digitally - we form
a glut of experts.

Oh, this is not a doomsday message - merely a middle ground on the way
to increased specialization and focus. Historically we can easily see
Newton was a Scientist but Einstein was a nuclear theorist. Today we
have quantum theorists. The future is full of very long job titles.

A by-product of this movement is a current glut of experts - perhaps a
permanent glut of experts. With more people connected and satisfied
with distant communication, a vet who writes about immunizing your dog
becomes one of many you can reach for, in several countries. Previously
we may have been limited to those in your state - but no longer! Now we
can pick up immunization recommendations from any number of experts
previously separated by distance or with minimal overlapping media

We can see this clearly on the web. I wrote an article on country
profiles and yes, as expected, the UK, US, Canada & Australia all write
and publish traveler advice notices on the web. Are they different?
Occasionally. Is this a case of multiplication of information? Yes. We
have reached beyond the applauded internet trait of permitting a
multitude of communication and reached a state where similar
information is interpreted by different organizations, and distributed

This is not unique to the internet. News stories also contain
considerable overlap from one newspaper to another. A search for dog
immunization on one of the large news databases will result in numerous
articles all presenting essentially similar information. Business
periodicals also have considerable overlap, and while each may attempt
to differentiate their articles from others, there are severe limits -
and besides, most likely articles do not have an overlapping clientele.

But on the internet, there is overlapping readers. An article written
for the web is an article written for everyone. Anyone can read it.
Thanks to the popularity of search engines, it can be available to
anyone. At least in theory.

This leads us to internet promotion. Information on the web is
sometimes so difficult to locate we have an almost continual need for
more publishing. Real traffic is difficult to promote normally, so
websites devoted primarily to delivering information have a real
difficulty reaching their audience. This translates either to the need
for expensive commercial promotion, which often can not be justified,
or into reaching only those who search carefully for your information.
The latter means multiplication of the same information.

In writing this article, I see the effects mentioned will lead to
changes in the future. As I write "attracting an audience initially
enter into the publishing process", I think to myself this will
obviously change. Attracting an audience will emerge in time as the
primary step in publishing. There are many places to take this
discussion, but my job is a researcher, or rather an internet-focused
search theorist. (Long job titles will be in vogue). Let us focus on
how these changes effect this internet as an information resource.

1) Any effort to organize the internet is diluted because of these
2) Any effort by the researcher to find different perspectives will be
confounded by the number of people with the same perspective publishing
in the same medium.
3) Certain fields are more heavily hit than others. Internet advice on
what search engines to use is ubiquitous. Java Programming hints are
numerous. More specialized topics (like internet-focused search theory)
are less affected.
4) Viral marketing - a catchword for sure, hopes to achieve promotion
by seeding many sites with information. Perhaps an innovative way
around accepting the multiplication of sites delivering the same or
similar information.

In phrasing the question you wish to answer, before the search,
experienced researchers will focus on what information is likely to be
available in numerous overlapping versions. These questions can be
answered with the search tools that cover information in a more random
manner: Search Engines do this very well. Tightly focused questions,
less likely to be distributed so completely, should be approached with
different tools: mailing lists and nexus points, long complex search
queries and index points.

In conclusion, the internet will become far more cluttered than we had
expected. I had previously predicted that search engines would grow to
meet the needs, but this is not to be. Search engines will continue to
serve up answers available from multiple places in the world. There is
market enough in this, and minimal need to tackle anything more.

Getting the Best from the Internet.
Section 11

A search for information on the internet is not essentially different
from the standard information search process. You still need to start
by outlining carefully just what you are hoping to locate. You also
need to be aware of the peculiarities of the internet as a researchable
resource (or rather a collection of resources). If you expect instant
delivery of exactly what you require, free, then you need a reality
check (and I am sure you will get one real soon). Sadly, the printed
media tends to overlook this.

As with all resources, the more familiar you are with a given resource,
the more efficiently you will work. Get to know the internet for a time
first. Understand how it works. Then re-adjust your expectations and
file it as just another collection of resources, perhaps preferable in
certain circumstances.

A Structured Approach to Searching
Much of this book has been devoted to describing what we could call a
structural approach to finding information. We build a question, select
a format and then search in an essentially static manner. There are
only a few resources of interest for each format.

On the internet, we again do the same. If you want to search online
periodicals (a specific format for information with specific qualities
that might be appropriate) there are just a few sites to review. The
search is simple and straightforward. Search then read then reassess if
it helped answer your question.

The structured approach has been a simpler way to introduce a far more
important application. Searchers know where answers are already -
without ever having read the answer before - without having studied the
topic. This is, after all, one of the few reasons to even consider
paying for professional search assistance.

How does a searcher know where answers lie?

By building up a clear understanding of what information is out there,
where it resides, and how to get to it, a searcher learns to anticipate
the location of answers. Anticipation is everything.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Know Where to Look
Let's look at information itself. Information passes from producer, to
organizer, to consumer. It travels many paths in this journey.
Superficially, we can observe internet communication travels via email,
newsgroups, and webpages (and others). Let's call these tools.

Looking deeper, we observe information emerges from just a few
generalized sources: knowledgeable individuals, informed government
employees, grant funded educational projects, commercial organizations
and a few others. Each source produces a particular type of
information, distributes (publishes & promotes) in particular channels,
and hopes to pay for (or justify) their effort in a particular way.

Efficient internet research is infused with an understanding of who
publishes, where and why.

Before information reaches the consumer, it passes through a vetting
which organizes and filters both the quality and the presentation style
of the information. Let us call these systems. The FAQ is a pivotal
piece of a system that may start with a post to a mailing list or
newsgroup, involves the vetting of the FAQ maintainer, then proceeds to
an FAQ archive then to the end consumer. The webpage is published by
someone who has justified their time and expense, is indexed by a
search engine or definitive-topic-website or webring or what have you,
and then is found and read by the end consumer. The internet has many
such systems.

Each system again defines many of the traits of the resulting
information. FAQs are semi-authoritative, collaborative pieces, often
dense and factual. Private mailing lists are sometimes more
informative, discussive, as well as serving as a notice board.
Newsgroups involve far less natural vetting and quality control, but
excel in distributing popular volume resources like graphics. Search
engines don't vett, but can be searched.

Each system reinforces the uniqueness it brings to the whole internet.
When I blindly declare "Information Clumps" at the start of this FAQ, I
am really describing a trend whereby certain information accumulates in
a particular location, others out of self-interest add to the pile, and
further information reinforces both the logic and uniqueness of that
pile of information.

It is just a short jump from this to understanding how FAQ archives
grow but maintain a good quality, how the grand internet search engines
began to lose value about 15 months ago then recently began regaining a
position of strength, and how ftp archives still exist for many
computer topics.

The internal logic to the organization of information is based on
simple principles. It defines the environment within which we strive to
improve the internet as an effective information resource. We take this
understanding and build sophisticated expectations about what kind of
information rests at which format.

Further Reading: Searching the Web: Strategy

- - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Multiple Windows
Make your browser work for you. All browsers allow you to open multiple
windows panes. Open a few and send them off in different directions
fetching information. You do not have to wait for each page to return
to you before you read. With a little practice, you can juggle four
window panes, collecting information from different tools, following
different trains of thoughts, reading your way through four websites as
they are downloaded.

The technique is a little like reading four books at once. It certainly
keeps your mind nimble. Worked successfully, multiple windows will
double the speed of searching and free you from the speed of your
internet connection.

Three technical tips are involved. Firstly, a second window pane is
opened by selecting File : New : New Window. The shortcut key for this
Control+N. Secondly, in Microsoft Explorer, depressing your shift key
as you click a link will open the distant file in a new window. In
Netscape, depress the control button as you click a link. Thirdly, if
you are running windows, the Alt + Tab button jumps between window

Taken together you can read down a page, find something interesting,
shift+click a link, continue reading the original page, then flip over
to reading the second page in a new window.

Keep in mind, juggling windows is difficult and requires practice. If
you do this in public, be prepared to lose novice surfers who are not
ready to use more than one window.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Launch Pages
Bookmarks are a fine tool for beginners to build. It is not, however,
the best organization of tools for a searcher. One of the roles of the
Spire Project has been the construction of a far more effective tool,
based on having the more common search tools and supporting information
close together, on your own computer.

Beyond being a plug for you to look at our free shareware
SpireProject.zip (http://spireproject.com/spire_latest_version.zip) and
single-page shortcut Spire Project Light"
(http://spireproject.com/spir.htm), there is a serious issue here.

If you are familiar with the use of search engines - and you have fast
access to the search box for the search engines - you no longer need
the Urls for specific resources. With a name, you can always quickly
locate a page. Besides, Urls change. Far better to just keep a list of
resources by name.

At the start of this FAQ, we mentioned a searcher knows where to find
"Knowing of specific resources is helpful. Knowing the tools to help
you find resources, the meta-resources, is vital."
Fast access to information resources is valuable. Fast access to the
tools to find information is critical. Build your launch pages with
these tools in mind.

Searching is Art.
Section 12
Pharaoh: There is mutiny afoot. I must kill these insolent heretics.
Shakh: Good Idea. So who is involved?
Pharaoh: I don't know. You must find this out.
Shakh: Find out what?
Pharaoh: Who my enemies are, of course.
Shakh: Enemies?
Pharaoh: People who want me dead.
Shakh: But not those who want a better ruler...
Pharaoh: No not them.
Shakh: What about the ones that want a better ruler, and would not mind
you dead.
Pharaoh: That sounds like everyone.
Shakh: And those that want you dead but would never do anything about
Pharaoh: Well, so long as they don't help anyone else.
Shakh: Then you just want the ones who will try to kill you.
Pharaoh: Yes,
Shakh: Good. Now we know exactly what we are searching for. We are
seeking those who will try to kill you. I shall straight away

- - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Napoleon was an expert tactician, except at Waterloo. The recreation of
past battles is not a favorite pastime of mine but is an exciting topic
all the same. The battle terrain was set. The troops have known
abilities and limitations. The movement and direction of the army units
is your responsibility. Do you have the strategy involved?

Early in his career in an important fight against the Prussians,
Napoleon employed a dramatic tactic where he initially held an
important hill in the center of the battlefield, then surrendered the
hill to the Prussians. The Prussians, confident at this stage, marched
the majority of their army around the hill to right, between the hill
and a lake, to push the fight on to Napoleon. Napoleon, however, retook
the hill with a costly attack up the hill by some of his best units.
Success left him in control of the high ground, much of the Prussian
army below, moving between the hill and the lake. Unable to dislodge
Napoleon from the hill a second time, and unable to withdraw the army
from their exposed position, Napoleon pushed on to defeat the Prussians
most decisively.

The armies were almost evenly matched prior to this conflict and
success seemed unlikely. An average general would have fought in a
bland way, retreating or perhaps fighting to a stalemate. Napoleon
inflicted a decisive defeat. Such generalship goes beyond technical
skill to encompass a vision, a strategy, an art.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - -

If I have not been careful, I will have presented searching as shopping
in a supermarket. The goods are in a large store but there is a decent
enough structure to find it. Third aisle for baby food. Go there and
look around.

Of course, we have discussed two further types of search improvements.

There is the skills around properly asking questions. You want a
question which accurately describes what you are looking for but you
also want the question to be framed in a way which the resources can

There is also the awareness of where information SHOULD be. If you know
what kinds of information exist and you ruminate long enough on the
likely motivations of publishing, we can make some fairly detailed
judgements on the whereabouts of the answers you are looking for.

There is further skill in dealing with the technical difficulty of
information overload. You have limited time and limited resources.
Finding information is often a hit or miss affair, so there is an art
to selecting the right words to search, the right Boolean prefixes to
attach to search terms, the right search tactics to employ to get the
most out of each situation.

For much of this, you need only experience. If you know in advance a
skilled searcher can handle the task of sifting reams of data for
useful information, then you can focus on how its done, practice, and
learn. The search technology itself is simple.

The trouble lies in retrieving from databases with far too much
information for simple word selection. It also flares when you are
dealing with databases charging up from $2 a minute and an additional
cost per item retrieved. You decide very quickly to get good at
searching once you receive a bill for $200 of irrelevant information.

The simplest solution to this difficulty is to practice. You will find
all research libraries provide access to slightly older articles
through CD-ROM databases. Search these to hone your skills.

I saw a small book on search techniques from an early course in my
state library - but it is very basic. Most librarians build experience
in using search systems either internally, or through a series of
courses given by travelling database officers like the periodic
training by Dialog-Insearch. These are expensive, but include some free
time searching the expensive databases (no, they don't let you take
information back with you).

Now, there must be something else I can share with you on this topic.
First, learn something about how the databases are built in the first
place. It helps if you know what an inverted text database looks like.

Second, something personal about technique... I always find the uglier
the search query, the better the result. Honestly. A search combining
numerous elements improves your chances of getting it right.

Third, I always try to change my search techniques to match the medium.
I am likely to be more careful of broad searches of expensive database,
where as free databases often lead me to gather 50 articles, then
weeding them out by hand. (most CD-ROMs allow you to select only the
ones you want). Always bring a 3.5'' floppy with you when visiting a
library on the of-chance you want to download and look at results
another time.

Fourth, I almost always find the initial challenge is in locating those
specific terms that appear in 80% of the documents that interest you.
When searching the internet for information about government use of the
web, the specific terms required were government and publishing (not
even government publish was close) All other search terms gave far to
much garbage. Yes, of course, being an expert in a particular field is
an edge in already knowing these special terms.

There are two escape hatches here. If you can find one or two articles
that interest you, often you can browse these articles for those
special words. Sometimes even, the descriptors of an interesting
article will give you a specific subject heading. I've heard this
technique called the "Pearl Development Technique" but I just think of
it as a good idea. The second escape hatch is the use of free databases
to prepare you for going online. If you have ready access to a CD-ROM
database, search this first - get the right search words on the free
databases, then go online.

Oh, of course, there is also the issue of just asking someone involved
for the proper words. I like to ask my clients if they know what words
are likely to be used. It's not a mark of an amateur to be asked, by
the way.

A couple of side issues

1) Keep an eye on the type of document you are searching. If you want
full text - don't go looking in bibliography databases. More to the
point, don't start word searching databases with really big files
without using the proximity indicators and descriptive fields. I hated
paying for that 20-page document which included all the words I was
interested in - but on different pages.

2) Also, keep an eye on the quality of the documents you are
retrieving. I know a search of newspapers sounds impressive, but they
are rarely capable of explaining anything in depth and are notorious at
being advertorials. I try to keep newsprint for locating experts - not
for information. I have also been trapped by obscure magazines with
appealing articles, only to learn the magazine is one of a large number
of very basic business magazines which use fillers or just doesn't like
to pay for good journalism. A single article of 5 pages from Scientific
American blows 20 small fillers out of the water. In fact the length of
an article is a hint of depth.

Oh, if you are looking for some really good books on this issue, try
the manuals Dialog sends you to start, look for text databases in you
library, then proceed to one of the search books recommended at the end
of our 'research as a discipline' article.

Basic Techniques to research change slowly, though the technology is
improving and specific information resources are in rapid flux. It
makes for interesting times.

So many resources. So many techniques. Its strange to have written down
so very much that is dull and tiring yet get it right. You simply must
muddle through all those links to get a decent result.

Yet the end result is to portray searching as an intensely dull
experience. We have very few choices. The information exists in certain
clearly marked places. We merely need collect it.

If we are not careful we will present you the idea that searching is
more like shopping in a supermarket. The goods are in a large store but
there is a decent enough structure to find it. Third aisle for baby
food. Go there and look around.

Actually, this is the general approach to searching. There is no art,
no talent, just skill and knowledge of the technology. Want a webpage
on dogs - go to Yahoo and type in dogs. Want a telephone number - take
out the white pages and remember the alphabet. Want a book and you are
near the library, walk in and ask a librarian. Alternatively, walk in
and type a few words in the library book database.

But there is more - so very much more. And all of this makes for
exceptional searching.

Let's look at an example. We want information on how to improve the
schooling of your exceptionally gifted child. A simple request. What do
we do?

The art is a kind of magic, of choosing just the right words at the
right times, and in phrasing your request for information in a way that
tightly describes your interest without removing information that
should interest you. The art of searching relies heavily on an
understanding of what is possible within a given system. Much of this,
you guessed it, involves creative visualizing.

The Last Word.

Searching is an attitude. It is a way of looking at the world, and at
information, quite distinct from the norm. Statistics are mentioned on
TV and you subconsciously weigh the value. You listen to experts and
wonder who pays them, and so where the potential purpose bias could
come from. Searching is an attitude with little tolerance for spin,
puffery or questionable interpretation of statistics.

Searching can be a very negative attitude - and this is our last
lesson. Search with a critical mind, but also know at some point you
must say enough. Enough searching, it is time to make a decision. This
line is not defeat, but acceptance that decisions are made on
incomplete information. Make your decision when you are ready.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Shakh stood before the entrance to the tomb. It was not quite complete.
The glyphs were etched for only the first thirty feet of the
passageway, and workers were still preparing the burial chamber. The
thick dusty air made it hard to breath, but at times it was better than
staying outside where the temperature continued to climb.

Shakh admired the art on the wall. Meaning within meaning. The divine
representations stood offering the pharaoh recognition. In exchange the
pharaoh offered a just reign. The scene worked well. Such work was one
of the few ways the pharaoh could communicate with the gods.

Yet there were other layers to the picture. The gods were depicted as
pleased with the work of the pharaoh. Their recognition was a reward
for the years of ruling Egypt.

There, further in the picture, was reference to the accomplishments of
the pharaoh. Much of the writing was dictated by tradition, and the
individual scribes were all instructed in the tale, so meaning was
particularly important in what was different from other tombs. It was
the small differences that made this work unique, that elevated the
work from that suitable for any important person to that fit for a
king. Birth in a village close to the Nile. References to the pharaoh's
re-conquest of Nubia. The special position of Horus, the falcon god.

Then there was the technology. Sparkling stars on blue covered the
ceiling. This was a new development, unseen before in crypt or
building. It had a pleasant effect, expanding the space within the
tomb, making it look larger than it really was.

And then there was the artistry to the carving. These were fine
scribes, clean and precise. The work satisfied him well.

Walking out of the half-completed tomb, Shakh sighed, wiped the
gathering sweat from his brow, then gave a small thought to the poor
sap he used to work for. The old pharaoh had never learned information
was power, thought Shakh, sighing regally.

Acknowledgements: I would like to thank my wife Fiona, whom I love and
cherish dearly. The Spire Project is a great effort several years in
the making. I trust you enjoyed the results.
David Novak - ***@spireproject.com - SpireProject.com and
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